10/23/2002 Brooke Drinks With Adam

"Kendall and Trey hurry back to their apartment so they can take a look at the stash of diamonds they recovered. Kendall dumps them out onto the table and the two marvel at the treasure and what it can buy for them. They imagine mansions, yachts, caviar...everything money can buy. In the midst of their happiness, Trey flashes to the night at Millers Falls when he saw Leo and Vanessa plunge to their deaths. Kendall asks what's wrong, but Trey is no longer interested in the diamonds. He can't stop thinking of his brother. Trey tells Kendall they have to turn over the diamonds to the police because Leo's blood is on each and every one.

Kendall can't believe her ears. She tries to convince Trey that Leo would want them to have the diamonds. She reminds Trey that he did rescue Greenlee and the diamonds should be his reward for saving her life. Trey disagrees. He now sees the diamonds as a symbol of Vanessa's evil. Kendall is ready to take the diamonds for herself if Trey doesn't want them. They argue, but are interrupted by a sharp knock on the door. Jackson, flanked by two detectives, is there with a search warrant for the apartment. Trey and Kendall are nervous as the detectives begin their search. A detective comes from Trey's bedroom with a receipt from a printing shop where Trey had files from a CD copied. Jack sends another detective to search Trey's storage area in the basement.

When the detective returns, he has the missing Proteus files in hand. He found them taped inside a duct. These were the files Trey stole from Chris before setting fire to Erica's house. As Trey is put under arrest, Kendall asks to speak to him for a moment before they take him away. Kendall tells Trey he should use the diamonds as leverage. Trey gives the diamonds to Jackson. He tells the DA that if he is given immunity, he will tell where the rest of the diamonds are at. Jackson says he has to talk it over with Anna and he won't promise anything.

At Millers Falls, Greenlee stands in the spot where Leo fell. She contemplates joining him in the same fate when David calls out to her. Greenlee screams that she just wants to be left alone. David refuses to leave and tries to talk Greenlee back from the edge. Greenlee cries that she is all alone and no one needs her. David says that isn't true. He needs her. He tells Greenlee that he loved Leo too. Greenlee tearfully replies that Leo was her whole life. Leo was the only person who truly understood her. Together, they were going to make up to each other for all the bad things that had happened in their lives. Greenlee can't imagine a life without Leo. David tells Greenlee they can figure it out together. He extends his hand and Greenlee takes it.

David and Greenlee sit together and share in their misery. David asks Greenlee what Leo would want her to do. Greenlee doesn't know. All their dreams are dead and gone. She asks David if he thinks Leo is watching over her. She thinks about what it will be like when she grows old, dies in her sleep, then is reunited with her love. David believes they should hold a memorial service for Leo so all his friends and family will have a chance to say goodbye. David begins crying as he tells Greenlee he wants to speak to everyone about how much he loved Leo. The tables turn and it is now Greenlee comforting David.

Adam flirts with the waitress as he sips on a martini at the Valley Inn. He checks his watch, then places a call to Mia asking her to meet him there for a drink. Over in the corner, Brooke watches with amusement. Adam spots Brooke and decides to join her. Brooke orders a martini then asks how Liza is doing. Adam tells her that Liza has recovered, but their marriage has not. Adam recognizes the fact that he has faults, he just needs to find a woman who will overlook them. Brooke tells Adam that his problem is that he wants what he can't have. He wants to be adored by a woman and Liza knows him too well.
Adam: "You're mean when you drink."
Brooke: "You're mean when you're sober!"
Adam confides to Brooke that he thought he had reached a stage in his life when he should have found happiness. He proclaims that a person only has one shot at life and they have to try to find happiness no matter what.

Brooke is ready to leave and asks Adam to call her a cab. Instead, Adam offers to have his driver take her home. When they arrive at Brooke's house, she invites Adam in for coffee. Instead, they have brandy. Adam sees the annulment papers and assumes that is the reason Brooke was sitting alone drinking. Brooke tries to say that it wasn't. She tells him that Isabella requested the annulment rather than a divorce. Adam asks if God can forget the marriage, why can't she? Adam looks through Brooke's cd collection and asks if she has the music they played on their honeymoon. She does. She puts on the music and Adam asks Brooke to dance. They dance, looking into each other's eyes. Before the song ends, Brooke tells Adam he should leave. She has an early morning. Adam heads for the door, but Brooke calls out his name. When Adam turns, she gives him *the look*. Adam grabs Brooke in a passionate kiss and they begin to frantically undress each other."

- Soap Central