01/03/2003 Reggie Takes A Hostage

"Erica entered the handsome stranger's hotel room at the Valley Inn for lunch. He bombarded Erica with constant flattery and admired her perfume. She thanked him for the flowers he sent. When they sat down to eat, Jordan offered a toast of champagne. Erica promptly reminded him he didn't remember everything about her. She's strictly non-alcoholic bubbly. They talked about their chance meeting on his yacht in the Mediterranean when she was married to Dimitri. Jordan asked Erica if she was now unattached. Erica replied she was. They toasted to old friends and new possibilities. Erica refocused their meeting to the request she had asked. Would Jordan hire Chris to head his security division so Chris could leave the FBI?

Downstairs, at the Valley Inn bar, Kendall met Chris, who was seated at a table. She was curious why he asked her to meet him. Chris wanted to know when was the last time she saw Aidan. Kendall evaded answering and wanted more information. Did Aidan do something wrong? Chris wouldn't answer her at first and to Kendall's astonishment, listed most of the times Kendall had been seen with Aidan, the flowers he sent her and the time she covered for Aidan at the bar. He finally mentioned that a warrant had been issued in England for Aidan's arrest. Realizing that Kendall wasn't going to be forthcoming with any information about Aidan, Chris left the restaurant with Kendall following behind him. They spoke briefly in the hotel lobby as Bianca approached. She was meeting Chris for lunch. Kendall and Bianca exchanged a few barbs at each other before Kendall left the Valley Inn.

Chris and Bianca enter the bar lounge. They saw Erica and Jordan who had entered from another door. Erica was not aware Chris and Bianca had seen her. She continued her flirting with Jordan and he assured her Chris had the job as head of his company's security division. He kissed Erica's hand. Chris, stunned, left the Valley Inn. Previously, Erica had told Chris she had an emergency meeting and had cancelled their lunch reservation.

Bianca approached Erica and Jordan. Erica introduced Jordan Robert to Bianca before he left the Inn. Bianca congratulated Erica on making a fool of herself and insulting Chris. Erica was surprised Chris had seen her. Bianca chided her mother for causing Chris to leave for good after watching her flirting with another man when she is engaged to Chris.

At the Front Street Clinic, the standoff with Reggie and the medical staff continued. He still held Anna hostage with a pair of scissors at her throat. David pleaded with him to not hurt Anna and told Reggie she is pregnant. Anna sternly told David she would handle the situation and to stay out of it. She began to talk to Reggie and told him he was able to end the standoff. Reggie was unsure. He felt he was in a situation with no end and didn't know what to do. He saw a street wise guy standing in the background at the clinic. He knew him. Unknown to the others, the gang member let Reggie see he had a gun tucked into his jeans' waistband. Reggie became more agitated. Suddenly police officers entered the Clinic, guns drawn. They demanded he let the police chief go. David couldn't keep still any longer. He jumped between the police and Anna/Reggie begging the police not to shoot. Anna implored Reggie to give up and he finally did as the pain in his side from his wound increased. Before the police took him to jail, she told him she would testify in his behalf. When the gang member tried to leave the clinic, Janelle, the Clinic's director, stood in his way. I bet you know how Reggie got stabbed, she declared to the youth named Luis. She knew him from the neighborhood. He threatened her he would do anything he wanted and she couldn't stop him. He stalked out of the clinic.

Joni and Laurie had met at BJs and were seated at a table. Laurie talked about Joni's strong religious beliefs and judgments of other people. JR and Jamie entered the restaurant and were surprised to see the girls there. They joined them. Laurie found out that Joni had betrayed her trust by telling Laurie's father Laurie was at Chandler Manson visiting JR. Laurie's father had demanded that Laurie never see JR again and had caused great embarrassment to Laurie by dragging her home in front of her friends. Laurie was hurt by the revelation and admonished Joni for lying to her. Laurie left the table. JR told Jamie to talk to Joni while he went to undo the damage with Laurie. With JR and Jamie's interception, the friendship between Laurie and Joni was repaired.

Maria went to the loft in the stables at Wildwind. She thought she was alone. She was frantic about finding Aidan and he was not at the loft where he was supposed to be. Suddenly Maria realized Edmund had followed her to the hayloft. She asked him what did he want. I discovered your secret replied Edmund. Maria was scared Edmund knew about Aidan but what he really meant was that he thought she was coming to the loft to try to remember things she had forgotten. He was pleased she was working hard to get her memory back and told her they had first made love in the hayloft so it was a special place to him. They embraced and kissed tenderly Maria then left the loft saying she couldn't disappoint Edmund. He followed her.

Meanwhile, Aidan was at the main house, snooping in the living room. He discovered a laptop. He opened it and plugged it in. He was downloading a file when he heard footsteps. He quickly hid. Maddie entered the room. She saw the opened laptop and started to punch the keys. Maddie finished playing with the laptop and left the room. Soon after Maria, returning from the hayloft, entered the living room looking for signs of Aidan. He came out of his hiding place and caught Maria's attention. She turned at looked at the laptop. A message had been down loaded: "Come and Get Me." Maria looked quizzingly at Aidan and then she heard Edmund calling her name. He had returned from the stable and was walking toward the living room where Aidan and Maria stood."

- Soap Central