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01/08/2003 Edmund Locks Maria Up

"Edmund locked Maria in her room at Wildwind to keep her away from Aidan. She hollered and banged on the door but Edmund accused her of knowingly bringing a murderer into their home. He said Aidan was wanted on 2 continents and had a $50,000 bond on his head. Maria said Aidan was not a murderer and continued yelling. Edmund told her not to bother, that no one was home but the two of them. She screeched "Who the hell do you think you are?" and Edmund replied "I'm your husband whether you remember it or not!." Maria said he couldn't stand the fact that she might feel something for another man and that he hates her because she isn't his Maria. Edmund sadly put his head against the door and said quietly, "Hate you? If only I could." They argued some more and Edmund told her he thought she was happy at Wildwind and that she wanted to remember the life they'd shared. Maria said she does but Edmund said she wanted both him and Aidan and he wasn't going to let her throw her life away on a murderer. Frustrated, Edmund told Maria that he was sick and tired of waiting for her to remember and that he was going to "make her remember." Maria yelled "You can't make me remember because I don't want it! It's not my life!'. Quickly she apologized for saying such a thing. Edmund told her that no matter what she remembers she'll always be his wife. He told her she was confused and that he was keeping her locked up until Aidan was picked up by the police and then he walked away. Maria screamed and tried to open the door. Then she paced and repeated over and over "Oh my God! Oh my God!." She finally calmed down and walked to her purse, where she took out her cell phone. She dialed a number.

Downstairs Edmund picked up a wedding photo and stared at it. He could hear Maria yelling so he shut the doors and turned on the stereo. He sat down in a chair near the fire and held the photo and was lost in thought. He dreamed that he went upstairs and opened the door and told Maria that if she wants to go to Aidan he won't stop her. Maria told him she wouldn't help Aidan if Edmund didn't want her to because she doesn't want to risk losing Edmund. They began to kiss and Edmund woke up. He stood up, put the photo in the fire and watched it burned.

In the darkened condo Aidan sat quietly in a chair. He went to a window and peered through the blinds. He walked around and thought he heard a noise at the front door. He whispered to himself "Maureen, don't forget to knock twice before using the key!." But there was no knock and a woman opened the door and walked in. Aidan grabbed her from behind and covered her mouth. He ordered her to be quiet and when she agreed he let her go. Kendall is startled to find Aidan there. She told him she was there to check out the condo because she may rent it. She thought he was had broken in to hide from the police since he's wanted for murderer. Kendall told him that Chris Stamp told her everything and then asked Aidan if it was true. Aidan was angry and yelled at her. Kendall said she'd leave and headed for the door but he stopped her. Kendall was very nervous and Aidan was horrified when he realized it was because she was afraid of him. He said he hadn't killed anyone and asked if she could be trusted not to tell anyone where he was. She agreed because she said it would be bad PR for her new company. She started to leave and then realized that Aidan was waiting for someone. After she put 2 and 2 together she figured out it was Maria. She got mad that he told Maria what was going on but not her, after all they'd shared. As they argued she opened the door. In a couple of seconds Isabella arrived to show Kendall the condo, which had belonged to Mateo and Hayley. She wondered who Kendall was talking to. Kendall pretended she was testing the condo for echoes. Isabella thought that was a little strange but got distracted by a cell phone ringing. She answered it but no one responded. It was Maria trying to call Aidan. Maria quickly hung up. Isabella turned to Kendall and said it was a wrong number and offered to give Kendall a tour. They began to walk around and Kendall told her how much she loved the condo. Isabella reminded her that Maria had first dibs on the place. Kendall said Maria belonged at Wildwind with Edmund, loud enough for Aidan who was hiding to hear. Isabella happily agreed. Kendall went on about how beautiful the condo is and that she wants to sign a lease right now because she had to move in tonight. Isabella said she had to check with Maria first. Kendall told her that if she rented the place to her, Maria would have to stay at Wildwind with her family. Isabella was overjoyed and agreed to get the lease as soon as possible. She left and Aidan came out of hiding. Kendall told him to leave, it was her place now. He said he couldn't go. Kendall said he was waiting for Maria and that she was at Wildwind and was never coming for him.

At Wildwind Maria wondered why Isabella was at the condo. She picked up the house phone and realized that Edmund had cut the line. She screamed "You're not going to get away with this!." She looked around the room and saw the window. Maria began to strip the sheets off the bed to make a rope. As she was knotting the fabric Edmund quietly came in the room and she was surprised to see him.

JR banged on the heater at the boathouse trying to get it to work. He tried to talk Laurie into running off to Atlantic City with him. She refused, saying she couldn't lie to her father like that. JR's cell phone rang and he started to throw it in the water. Laurie stopped him and looked at the caller ID. She told him it was his father. JR took the phone and turned it off. He told Laurie that his father found out about his bad grades and that he told Adam to shove it all, including Harvard. Laurie was appalled that JR would choose PVU over Harvard. JR told her he didn't want to go away from her. She wasn't impressed and told him she didn't want him to blow his chance at going to Harvard. JR said Harvard didn't mean as much to him as she did. Laurie asked him to prove it by finishing his incomplete classes and graduating. He agreed. JR told her that with her brains and grades she should go to Harvard. She said there was no way, they didn't have the money and her father wouldn't fill out the aid forms. But then she promised that if JR gets into Harvard she'll do anything she has to to get in with him. JR was happy with that and kissed her. She said she had to go home and he offered to drive her. After kissing for a while they left the boathouse in his car.

At the Chandler home Laurie's father argued with Winifred about speaking with Adam. She tried to get him to wait in the foyer but he stomped down the hall and walked into the office, where he found Liza on the phone. She got off and asked how she could help him. Mr. Lewis said he was looking for Laurie and was sure she was with JR. Liza tried to call JR on his cell phone but got no answer. She figured he was at the movies and had turned it off but Mr. Lewis said JR was probably ignoring her calls. Liza wondered why he was so sure his daughter was with JR. He told her that Laurie had lied about where she was going this afternoon and she'd done that before to be with JR. Liza tried to comfort him by saying when she was 17 she didn't make it easy for her parents either. Mr. Lewis asked if she'd always lived "in this world", looking around the opulent room. Liza said no, she grew up very middle class. He asked how she could stand to live with a man with no morals. Liza wasn't exactly thrilled with the conversation. Laurie's father said she was falling for JR and it was a dead end. Liza told him that JR is nothing like Adam. Mr. Lewis got angry and wondered if she was covering for the teenagers. Adam walked in, saw Mr. Lewis and said "What the hell are you doing in my house?" Mr. Lewis wondered if he wasn't good enough to be in the mansion and the two men began arguing. Liza broke it up and apologized to Mr. Lewis for not being able to help him find Laurie. He apologized to her for being upset and said he hadn't been feeling well lately. Adam commented that Laurie was the cause of JR's poor grades which set Mr. Lewis off again. As the two men yelled at each other the phone rang and Liza answered it. The men quieted down when they heard Liza mention the hospital. She hung up and told them there had been a car accident and the kids were at the hospital. They all rushed out and arrived at the hospital together. Adam grabbed a nurse and ordered her to get information for them. Adam and Mr. Lewis began making cracks about the other's kids until Laurie walked out of the exam room. She ran to her father, crying. Adam demanded to know how JR was and Laurie just looked at him with tear filled eyes."

- Soap Central