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01/24/2003 Jake Leaves BJ's With Alison

"At BJ's, Jake talks to Mia about the late hours she has been keeping working at Fusion. He wanted her to come home early and Mia explained she had to finish working on the Marketing budget. Jake was becoming impatient with her and asked if she was still in love with him. Mia empathically assured him she loves him dearly and when things are caught up at Fusion she'll have more time to spend with him. Jake countered with how much he has compressed his schedule so he could have time to spend with her. He felt she was not doing the same. Simone interrupted their disagreement and pulled Mia away saying they needed to get back to the office to make sure Greenlee and Kendall didn't destroy the place. Jake wondered what was going on. Mia assured Jake she'll make it up to him and asked that he wait up for her. She then left with Simone.

Simone and Mia returned to Fusion. Simone carried a huge armful of long stem red roses. Mia gazed wistfully at them and flashed back to her conversation with Jake at BJ's about how she would be there for Jake. She suddenly said she had something to do and ran out of the office. Greenlee wondered who were the roses for. Simone said they were Kendall's. Kendall was too nervous and excited to read the card so Greenlee did the honors. "You didn't get his digits, but he sure got yours," she said to Kendall. They were from Michael. Kendall beamed.

Laurie was wondering when her dad was coming home. He soon entered their apartment drunk and accused Laurie of starting up again with that Chandler kid (JR). Laurie was disgusted he was drunk and asked what happened at work. Doug was reprimanded at work for not mopping up a spill near the salad bar. The school principal chewed him out in front of the staff and students. Laurie told him that was not a good reason to get drunk. He demanded respect from her. She shouted back at him she hated him. He retorted she was just like all woman especially his wife. Always demanding him to do better. He suddenly slapped Laurie's face. He quickly apologized. Laurie wondered what was going to happen when he lost his job from being drunk all the time. Doug commented maybe he would let Laurie see that Chandler kid so she could ask him for the rent money

Alison came into the restaurant. Seeing Jake looking frustrated she went over to him and wondered out loud who stole his toys. Jake asked how her car repair was going and she replied she needed to leave it over night. She wondered how she was going to get home. She commented to Jake that she'd have to walk or get a cab unless someone could give her a ride as she looked pleadingly at Jake. He consented to taking her home but first he had to go to the hospital to get the car keys in his office. They walked together to his office.

In Jake's office, Jake picked up his car keys and then noticed Alison and closed the office door, locking it. She approached him seductively standing in front of him by his desk. They suddenly kissed and frantically took off their clothes. Jake swept the desktop clear of stuff and placed Alison upon his desk. They lustfully kissed each other."

- Soap Central