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01/28/2003 David Warns Edmund About Drugging Maria

"Morgan pressed Aidan on the importance of Maureen and what she met to him. He played it like Maureen was simply another score and he cared nothing about her. Morgan wasn't buying it, though, and told him that she would take care of things from here. Aidan objected and told her that he didn't work Maureen for months just to let Morgan get the score. He insisted that he go with her to get Maureen. Morgan continued to lead him on by telling him that she can handle her, even if she has to use her gun. He told her that she'll blow it if she goes alone, because he knows the layout, and he knows Maria. He continued to try to convince her to run away with him after they score on Maria, but she assured him there would be no problem getting Maria's money alone, and they can run away together afterwards. Finally, after warning her that the place was crawling with security, he told her about a secret entrance. Aidan warned her, though, that she'll never crack the safe, but she said she'll come up with something else if she can't get in. He finally told her the location of the safe, and Morgan moved closer to him to check his wrists. He pushed her away roughly, so she pulled her gun out and whipped him over the head with it. With Aidan dazed, she retied him to the chair and told him he made a huge mistake. She put on her coat and said that she's going to go off to Wildwind to get her score, and if Maria gets in her way, he'll have two women waiting for him in eternity (Fiona and Maria). Aidan struggled against his binds as she left.

Trey returned to his apartment to find Reggie cracking walnuts using a judge's mallet that used to belong to Oliver Wendell Holmes. He surprised Reggie by giving him keys to his apartment, telling him that he'll need to get in and out someday. When Trey left the room to get something, Kendall knocked on the door. She walked past Reggie and asked him where Trey was. Reggie responded, "What do you need with him when you got the real deal right here." Kendall brushed him off as Trey returned. He explained to Reggie that Kendall was his sister, but that didn't stop Reggie from continuing to try to pick her up. Trey explained to Kendall that Reggie works for Fusion now, and proceeded to tell her how they met, when there was another knock on the door. It was the doctor, Janelle. She informed Trey that social services has picked up on his detour from lawyer to arsonist. Trey said he didn't think it should matter, but she informed him that social services has his entire file, and he's hardly a suitable guardian. When she informed Reggie he should be prepared to go, if necessary, Reggie said it doesn't matter where he goes, ‘cause all he needs is a mattress. Against their wishes, Reggie grabbed his coat and took off. Janelle turned to face Trey, blaming him for everything. As she began ripping into him, Kendall stood up and screamed, "Would you just shut the hell up!" She started to defend Trey, but Janelle said that Reggie needs stability, but now he'll be removed from yet another foster home. She blamed Trey for not being completely honest with social services. Trey tried to assure her that he has Reggie's best interests in mind, and he will fight for him. She said that he better, and left with a slamming of the door. Trey turned to Kendall and thanked her for sticking up for him. She told him that she only wished she meant it, and then asked, "Are you insane?" She wondered what ulterior motives he had by taking Reggie in. Eventually she accused him of trying to score points with Janelle. She said that Janelle was making eyes with him, but Trey denied that he had any interest in Janelle. He said that he wanted to take Reggie in because he knows what it's like to bounce from one foster home to another. She tried to remind him of the responsibilities involved, but then she realized that he might be looking for a replacement for Leo. He told her that Reggie could never take Leo's place, and that isn't what he was doing. Kendall said that all she hopes for is that it doesn't blow up in his face.

Maria was going over her college application while drinking the cranberry and soda that Edmund fixed for her. They laughed over the essay she had to write about what she's been doing since she last left school, when the phone rang. Edmund picked it up by saying, "Good Evening", only to find David on the other end of the phone. He told Edmund to tell him how Maria's doing, and then he'll decide if it's a good evening or not. Edmund told Maria that it was work calling, as David told him to meet him at B.J.'s. Edmund agree to go, only after David threatened to tell Maria that she was being drugged. Before leaving, Isabella returned with the kids, and they gathered around Maria as she explained to them all about her medical books. Isabella was thrilled when Edmund told her that Maria was getting some of her memories back. Later, Maria, Isabella, and the kids were spending some quality time, with Maria brushing Maddie's hair. Isabella got excited and told Maria that she's brushing Maddie's hair the same way she got her hair brushed as a little girl. Maria let the kids go find some toys to play with as she downplayed Isabella's suggestion that she was getting more of her memory back. She began coughing.

Edmund showed up at B.J.'s, and David told him that he needs to figure out a way he can examine Maria. When Edmund told him that she's not going to let him near her, David said that if he doesn't examine her now, Edmund might have to wait for her autopsy. Edmund told him to quit the scare tactics, but David replied the animals he's testing are failing. He said there could be contributing factors, but they need to find out. He told Edmund that he could always have his experts contact him. Finally, Edmund said okay, but he assured David that Maria was in perfect health when he left her.

As Maria kept coughing, Isabella offered to make her some tea with lemon and honey. Maria reluctantly agreed, and as Isabella left to get some, she said, "Thanks, Mama." Isabella stopped, stared at her, and said, "You called me Mama." Maria told her that it probably slipped out because she was being so nice. Isabella was very happy as she hugged her and said that it'll become more natural soon. The grandkids reentered the room, but Maria told them she was sick and they all agreed Isabella would take them back to her home. As they said goodbye, Isabella told Maria that she hopes the next time she calls her Mama; it's because she remembers who she is.

Reggie showed up at B.J.'s, where Laurie greeted him. They knew each other from school, and began making small talk. She told him it had been a sucky day, and he responded that she could make it better by getting a couple of beers. She became upset with him and told him how messed up her father is when he drinks. Reggie backed down and said he knows how bad addiction is, because his mom is addicted to Heroin. She asked about his mom, and he told her about his new living arrangement. He said he may not be with Trey long, though, because Social Services is all messed up.

Edmund assured David that the drug was working, and he even tried to convince David to leave town to be with Anna. David wasn't convinced, however, and tried to get Edmund to promise not to give anymore of the drug to Maria. Edmund responded, "It's working," and David realized that Edmund had already given more of the drug to her. They were interrupted by a phone call from Isabella, who told Edmund about the return of Maria's memory. She told him that they had to leave, however, because Maria was coming down with something. Edmund's face fell as he heard the news. He told Isabella that he would call her when he checks on Maria. As he got up to leave, he filled David in, and David insisted that he go along. Edmund said he'll call him if it's serious, but he was adamant as he said, "You are not coming with me."

Maria was sipping her hot tea when a security guard informed her that she had another visitor. She looked up and saw Morgan enter the room. "I'd like to speak to you about Aidan Devane," she said. She said she was from Scotland Yard, and the security guard left to verify her badge number. As Maureen offered her something to drink, Morgan said that it was nice of her to offer, "But this isn't a social call."

Aidan struggled against the ropes that held him. They didn't let him go, however, as he said, "Damn it. I have to get to Maureen.""

- Soap Central