"Adam, Liza and Lysastrata (the therapist) were in the living room. Liza was describing the date at the movies and how Adam fought with JR. Adam complained the whole time about what a dumb date it was and Liza said the date was supposed to be about "us" and wondered when they would come first to him. They argued more and Adam said the date was an embarrasement for him and Liza and Liza slapped him across the face. Lysastra was thrilled and said "What took you so long?." She told Liza that the slap was a long time coming and asked how she felt. Liza said she was ashamed and apologized to Adam, which the therapist didn't approve of. They went back to discussing the date and Liza said she begged and pleaded with Adam not to bother JR but he couldn't leave it alone. Lysastrata said Liza was becoming a pushover. Liza said yes, that before she married Adam she played by her own rules but now she took herself out of the race. Liza said she doesn't like who she sees in the mirror anymore. Adam said Liza was his harshest critic and Liza said they fight and make up all the time. She said she has married him 3 times knowing the worst about him, "How sick does that make me?." Lysastrata asked how Liza's home life was when she was young. Liza described her mother's many affairs and how bad it hurt her father but that he never did anything about it. Liza said she thought her father was a wimp for not fighting back and then stopped herself. "Oh my God! I'm my father and you're my mother!" she said to Adam. Liza said her father always caved in and let Marian win their fights and it was easier for him that way. She thought maybe her mother provoked her father to make a connection with him and then asked Adam "Your only way to reach me is to hurt me?" Adam said no and the therapist said they needed to break the cycle now and get Liza back to the strong woman she used to be. "Starting with your and Adam's bedroom!" she announced and headed upstairs. Adam and Liza followed her into their room where she told them to lie down on the bed. They did so reluctantly and she said they looked like a couple of stiffs. She asked if Liza was comfortable on her side of the bed and Liza confessed that she'd rather be on the other side, closer to the door. Adam agreed to switch side, which they did. Then they were asked who was on top during sex. Adam was horrified and got off the bed saying the session was over. But Liza ordered him back in bed. Adam lay back down and Lisastrata asked the question again. Liza said Adam was always on top and the therapist asked if she was ok with that. Liza said their time together was usually pretty spectacular but lately it had been getting a little stale. Lysastrata asked Liza where her scarves were and Liza told her what draw they were in. She grabbed a handful and gave them to Liza and told Adam that his wife was going to tie him to the headboard. Adam was appalled but Liza smiled. Liza got Adam to agree after Lysastrata said it was all about control. Liza started tying him up but he complained the entire time, while Liza thought it was funny. After he was securely tied Liza asked "What now?." Lysastrata told her to "assert" herself and lock the bedroom door after she left. She left as Liza shut the door and locked it. Adam told Liza to untie him but Liza smiled and said "Our therapist may be gone but our session isn't over till I say it's over!" and climbed onto the bed and began kissing him.
Joni and her father walked into BJ's and Laurie took their order. She went to the counter to turn it in and Joni joined her and asked if she had seen JR. Laurie said he'd been in earlier and she told him again that it was over between them. Joni went back to her table and in walked Laurie's father. He sat down at the bar and Laurie came over, saying "Go ahead Dad, drink up, it's on me." He apologized and said he didn't come to drink and to show him some respect, "I'm still your father." Laurie said "Don't remind me" and walked away. JR came in and asked Laurie if her dad was messing with her. He offered to wait around and give her a ride home after work. She said she had to close but JR said he'd wait. Laurie had to take an order to a table and left JR alone near the door. Jamie came in and went over to Laurie to say hi. JR glared at them and Laurie went into the kitchen. Jamie joined JR and JR accused him of putting the moves on his girl. Jamie said he wasn't going after Laurie, they're just friends. He walked over to Laurie's father and started in on him about slapping Laurie. JR overheard and started spouting off and threatening to call the cops. Jamie told him he's a loud mouth jerk just like his father. JR walked away and went over to Laurie. He told her he was going to get his act together and that he wanted her back. Laurie said she can't be the reason JR gets his life in order. JR told her he'd be at the library and to call him if she needed him. He walked out and her father joined her, saying "He really cares for you, he's got my vote." Laurie was stunned and said she thought he hated JR. Her father said "Not Chandler, the other one, Jamie!."
Morgan continued pretending to be from Scotland Yard and asked Maureen to point her in the right direction to find Aidan, since they were "quite chummy." Maureen told her she didn't have to talk to her and said to look for the person who shot Aidan, then they'd find the real killer. Maureen told Morgan that she'd stake her life on Aidan's innocence. Meanwhile Aidan struggled to get untied and help Maureen. Morgan grilled Maureen about her relationship with Aidan and asked if they had been intimate. Maureen was appalled by the question and got angry. She told Morgan that she and Aidan did not have sex, and said again that the person who shot him was probably also the person who killed Fiona. Morgan asked if she still had the email Aidan tried to send and Maureen went to find the laptop computer. Morgan began snooping, trying to find the painting Aidan had told her that hid the safe. She found it just as Edmund came home. She started to introduce herself and Edmund told her he knew who she was and that she was to leave immediately. Maureen came down and said the message was lost and heard Edmund tell Morgan his wife was ill and it was time for her to go. Morgan said she'd be in touch and left. Maureen turned to Edmund and was upset because she thought he ordered Morgan out because she was there about Aidan.
Aidan found a nail sticking out of a chair and rubbed the cord against it until he got his hands free. He got his feet untied just as Morgan's car pulled up. He stood by the door and tried to over take Morgan but she got free and held the gun on him. "Don't you want to hear about my meeting with your precious Maria?" she taunted. Morgan said Maria had an attack of the vapors and Aidan told her she had that effect on people. Morgan told him Maria's "very chiseled husband" was waiting attendance on her. Aidan asked if she found the safe and she said it was exactly where he said it would be. Aidan tried to get her to go with him and break into the safe but she refused. He tried to grab her and she shot him in the hand. Morgan tied Aidan up again. He tried to convince her to let him go so they could break into the safe. She said they were going to hit Wildwind tonight and then head to Paradise Island. "Stand in my way and you and Maria get a bullet!" she told him.
Maureen told Edmund he was crowding her and trying to control her. She got very angry when Edmund said Isabella had called him because she was ill. Maureen said she had so much pressure on her to be Maria, all of Edmund's expectations and everyone else's too, "No wonder I'm sick!." She told him to leave her alone and started to walk away but fainted. Edmund lay her on the sofa and covered her up. She came to and Edmund said he was going to call the doctor. Maureen agreed until she heard Edmund try to get David Hayward. She demanded "Why are you calling him?." Edmund tried to pacify her but she argued with him. Then she passed out again and didn't wake up. A very frightened Edmund called David's cell phone and left a message that Maria was very sick and to come immediately. Then he went back to Maria and talked to her, saying David would be there soon and would know what to do. "Hang in there baby" he begged his wife."
- Soap Central