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"Erica was terrified, screaming in her car when Kendall got in the passenger side. She tried to convince Erica they were safe, but all Erica could see was Richard Fields. She screamed at Kendall, "You shouldn't be with me. It's not right. You should leave."

At Myrtle's, Michael apologized for frightening Bianca and said everything would be fine.

Erica was breathlessly crying, wondering what was happening to her and saying it wasn't supposed to be that way. It was supposed to be a party, with movie stars, that her father was throwing to celebrate her birthday. There were decorations, Japanese lanterns, and grown-up food, all for her Hollywood birthday party. She smiled as she remembered what was supposed to be the happiest day of her life.

Kendall was aghast when she realized that Erica was reliving her rape. Erica was smiling about all the presents and being able to open them with her father. She had a flashback to that night, to the birthday cake with 14 candles. She said her daddy was going to be very proud of her, and she would blow out all the candles at once.

Michael helped Bianca light a candle and asked her to take a seat. He sat across the room from her and tried small talk. Bianca sprang up from her seat and started to run out. Michael grabbed her and sat her back down. He claimed to be concerned for her welfare and not wanting her to drive in the bad weather.

Michael tried being nice and saying they finally had a chance to get to know each other better. Bianca tried to convince him that there were people upstairs, but he knew there was no one. He told her to get used to the fact they'd be alone together for a long time.

Kendall tried to reach Erica and asked Erica to look at her. All Erica could see was Richard Fields, and she insisted he go away and that she did not want to be alone with him. She cried out that she did not want to dance and asked why he was doing that.

Michael locked the door, and Bianca became even more nervous. He dissed Myrtle and talked about how everyone in town seemed to have an agenda and not be who they said they were. Crouching behind her, he told Bianca how she seemed to be as charming and good as people said she was. He added that if he could get her to like him, he'd leave a happy man. Bianca was clearly unnerved.

Michael poured lemonade, and Bianca asked how he had gotten out of jail. He said it was bail and was indicative of the weak case against him. He knew he would be acquitted, even though everyone on the street would still remember the vicious and false accusations that Kendall and Erica had thrown. He asked if Bianca knew what he was talking about. He swore he would never force himself on any woman.

Michael said Kendall was only vindictive, and Erica was accustomed to the sympathy vote because of her rape. Bianca insisted her mother would not lie about rape. Michael became angry and asked if she thought Michael was liar.

Erica jumped out of the car into the storm. Kendall ran after her, but Erica could only cry out for her daddy to help her. Kendall tried to hold Erica, but Erica fought her off. They yelled, screamed, and fought in the storm, Erica thinking she was fighting off Richard Fields, and Kendall trying desperately to reach Erica.

Bianca tried to be conciliatory toward Michael and said she hadn't said he was a liar. He wondered why everyone believed Erica over him. Bianca was scared enough to say that maybe Erica had misunderstood him, and he should talk to Uncle Jack. Michael got mad and said Jack was only trying to take him down by abusing his power as D.A. Bianca defended Jack and said he was very fair.

Michael said Jack was Erica's lap dog. Bianca agreed that it could seem that way, and his love for Erica could cloud Jack's judgment. She offered to talk to Uncle Jack on Michael's behalf. She was willing to call Jack right away. Michael accused her of trying to pull one over on him because of her mother's influence. He said he was there to convince Bianca he was being treated unfairly.

Michael went through his litany of problems and how Erica was to blame for everything. He said it was all her fault. Michael said all he wanted was what Bianca wanted, to be part of a successful family business. He said Bianca could be the Enchantment spokesperson. He touched her cheek and called her beautiful. He also praised Lena's beauty and skin. Bianca suggested they go to a diner down the road that had a generator.

Michael grew impatient and wondered if Bianca thought he was stupid. Bianca said she was tired. Michael said they needed to talk a while longer, until she understood him. Bianca said she wanted to help, but she couldn't understand him. Michael said if she couldn't help him, no one could.

Bianca said Uncle Jack could help Michael. He wouldn't hear of it. He promised to leave if it stopped raining. Bianca wanted to call Uncle Jack. Michael told Bianca that she could not call anyone to rescue her; he needed her to rescue him. She was his last hope. Again, she said she just didn't know what he wanted.

Michael thought Bianca had an amazing talent for making people happy. When asked, she said no, she wasn't happy at that moment. He asked her to tell him the happiest she had ever been. She said it had been in Seattle, living with her father, his wife, and their kids. Even though she hadn't seen Erica much, there had been one time Erica had swooped into Seattle to fly Bianca to Hollywood for a movie premier, in designer dresses.

Bianca described the wonderful evening and how Erica had told her she was the most special person in the world to her. Michael wished he could have had a day like that but revealed that he never would, since he was not his dead brother, Alex. Bianca said she had spent her whole life, trying to live up to her mother. She revealed she felt she was nothing, and for a long time, she had hated herself.

Bianca told Michael about the anorexia and how she had finally realized it was up to her to change the way she thought about herself, with professional help. Michael scoffed at that. Bianca told him how tough it had been, but how it had saved her life. Bianca opined that it could do the same for Michael.

Kendall and Erica made it back to Erica's house. Erica huddled and wept in the corner as Kendall lit candles and the fireplace. She was very gentle with Erica and took out a blanket, robe, and slippers. Erica remained skittish and ran around the penthouse. Kendall wrapped a blanket around Erica and left to make tea on a gas stove.

Erica stopped Kendall, calling her "mother" and begging her to not leave. She asked Kendall to say it, to make her feel better. Erica begged her mother to stay and tell her that it wasn't her fault. Kendall put an arm around Erica and assured her it wasn't her fault.

Michael sarcastically asked if Bianca thought he needed a psychiatrist. Bianca told Michael she fought it too; she didn't think she needed professional help either. Michael started throwing things. Bianca said she knew he wasn't going to really leave. He said that depended on if she gave him what he needed.

In front of the fireplace, Erica was in a robe, asking Kendall what had happened and why Kendall was there. Kendall asked if Erica remembered the storm and said it had started after they left the police station. Erica spit out Michael's name. Kendall said that Erica had started to remember things and had gone back to her 14th birthday party.

Erica was upset that she had gone back there, because she kept promising herself she was over it. Kendall said Erica would be all right. Erica noticed the big scratch on Kendall's lip. She apologized for hurting Kendall and said that she had never meant to connect Kendall to Richard Fields. Kendall said Erica had thought Kendall was Mona and asked Erica to say it wasn't her fault.

Erica remembered and blamed Michael for making her remember, because he'd told her she'd asked for it. Kendall was adamant that Michael was sick and totally responsible for what he had done. Erica said her head knew she was not responsible, but she sobbed that something inside her kept the thought alive that maybe it had been her fault and she should have fought harder. Kendall insisted no, Erica had only been a child.

Erica continued to remember the rape and how Richard had called her beautiful. Erica said it wouldn't go away and the memory wouldn't fade because that was why it had happened -- because she'd stayed in the room and danced with him.

Michael started the CD player and commented that it was Lena's favorite music. He called Lena a good dance partner and another of his great disappointments for falling in love with Bianca. He said he couldn't be angry with Lena, though, because she was a good dancer. He then shouted at Bianca to get up and dance with him. Bianca very reluctantly complied. He told her close her eyes and pretend he was Lena.

Kendall said that her father was filth and someone should have killed him before the birthday party, even if it meant she'd never been born. Erica cried that she was tired of shivering and cowering every time there was a storm, being reminded of Richard every time she looked at Kendall. Kendall said she wished the rape had never happened, but it was a million times worse if Erica spent one second thinking it was her fault. Erica cried that she did not want to continue blaming herself; she knew how to go out and get most things she wanted in life but just had not been able to win this battle and didn't think she ever would.

When the song ended, Bianca pushed away and again said she was tired. Michael insisted on another dance and told Bianca how she transformed Lena with her love. He asked her to transform him too. As lightning flashed, he asked if it would be that hard for Bianca to love him too. She looked increasingly horrified.

Erica was shocked at the fuzzy blue slippers on her feet and assured Kendall they were not hers, even though they had been in her closet. They shared a laugh. Erica thanked Kendall for taking care of her and then apologized again to Kendall for hurting her. Kendall admitted Erica had a right to be upset with her, because she was one-half Richard Fields. She apologized for returning Richard Fields to town, and for also getting Michael into town.

Erica reminded Kendall that Michael had only arrived in town to destroy Erica and said she even understood that Kendall only wanted to get to know her father. They continued bonding, and Kendall said everything was better, and it was her chance to mend fences. Erica encouraged that attitude, but Kendall thought maybe Michael was right, and she was unlovable. Erica said no, Kendall only sabotaged relationships by testing them to the breaking point; she expected rejection and made it happen. Kendall surmised she was just like Erica that way. Erica smiled at that and agreed.

Kendall admitted her biggest fear was that she'd be like her father. Erica shook her head and wondered why Kendall never gave up and kept returning to Erica, despite how Erica treated her. Kendall said no matter how hard she tried to let go, she still wanted Erica to be her mother, and if hating Kendall helped Erica survive what Kendall's father had done, Kendall would understand. Erica smiled and said she did not want to keep hating Kendall.

As Michael and Bianca danced, Michael slipped a hand under the back of Bianca's blouse. He called her beautiful, and as he stroked her cheek, he promised he could make her forget all about Lena. Bianca sneaked a glance at the fireplace tools and coyly said maybe he was right; she asked who would want a woman when they could have him. She told him he was quite a man, with power -- he could offer pure, unadulterated hate and could only hate everyone who had what he lacked. She shouted at him that he hated that she loved who she was and had the strength and courage to love whoever she wanted. She could feel passion and feel alive, and he had no idea how that felt.

Bianca told Michael he could not feel desire, courage, or love, that he was not a man, not a human being, just an empty pathetic shell. Michael grew angry and told her to shut up. He grabbed her hair, called her a self-righteous bitch, and threw her down on the sofa. They struggled, and Bianca kicked him away and ran to the fireplace. She grabbed the poker and hit Michael.

Erica apologized to Kendall for hating her for so long. Kendall said she'd hated Erica too. They agreed to move on, and Erica wondered how. Kendall had no idea. Erica suggested they just start trying. Kendall said that night was a good start.

Bianca stood with the fireplace poker over Michael's prostate body and finally ran to the door. As she struggled to unlock it, Michael strode up behind her, grabbed her, and pushed her back into the room.

Kendall promised that no one would ever hurt Erica again. Erica agreed, and they hugged. Erica said she was better because Kendall was there.

Michael continued to go after Bianca, and she tried to get away, begging him to stop, but he forcefully pinned her against the window."

- Soap Central