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"Before the preliminary hearing began, Jackson's Assistant District Attorney, Justin, suggested that he take over the case because Jackson might not be able to separate his personal feelings in the case. Before Jackson could react to Justin's comment, the judge walked in, and the proceedings began.

As Alexander Cambias and Ryan watched from the hospital room, Jackson called David to the stand. David explained that on the night of the rape, he'd found Bianca in the park, very shaken up and disturbed. He said that Bianca had confided in him that "some guy" had been harassing her. David accused Michael of being the guy that had harassed her and raped her. The judge advised David not to make any more outrageous accusations and told the courtroom that David's last comment would be struck from the record. Next, David explained that he'd tried to give Bianca a physical exam, but she had run to the roof of the building, where she'd almost fallen off the edge, and would have if David had not grabbed her and pulled her away.

Then, David explained that Michael had disturbed Erica's wedding and Maggie had needed to pull a knife on him. He said that when he had seen how fearful Bianca had been of Michael, he'd had no doubt that Bianca had been raped.

Michael's attorney got up and cross-examined David. He addressed David's past criminal history, his past intimate relationship with Erica, and the drug he'd made that had caused Maria to lose her memory. The attorney also pointed out that there had been no bruises or marks on Bianca to show that she had been raped. Jackson interrupted and pointed out that since the rape had taken place several weeks before, the bruises and marks would have faded. David added that Bianca had been given a physical exam after she'd admitted she had been raped, and he was waiting on the test results. David stepped down, and Jackson called Bianca to the stand.

Bianca was in a separate room with Erica and got nervous when she realized she had to testify. Erica showed her a loving letter written from Jack and assured her that she was strong enough to get through the testimony.

Bianca entered the courtroom and sat on the stand, not looking at a smiling, smug Michael. She started to recall the night of the rape for Jackson. Jackson asked her if Michael had physically entered her that night. She said that he had pinned her down and put his hands over her mouth to stop her from screaming "No!" Bianca lashed out at Michael and told him that he had raped her. The judge told Bianca to control herself. She told Jackson that she hadn't told Erica she had been raped because of her mother's past. Bianca added that after Michael had finished raping her, he had gotten dressed, kissed her cheek, and said "Thanks." The crowd gasped at Bianca's last words, and Reggie got up, ready to attack Michael, but sat down after the judge told him to.

Michael's attorney cross-examined Bianca, hitting on the fact that she and her mother both hated Michael. He stated that Erica and Kendall had both claimed Michael had tried to rape them, but yet, they had never filed charges. The attorney also told of the romantic relationship that Kendall and Michael had shared, even though he had only been using her to get to Erica's company, Enchantment.

Once Ryan heard that Michael had hurt Kendall physically and mentally, he seemed disturbed and started asking Alexander questions about their relationship. The attorney also told of Bianca's romantic relationship with Lena and Lena's involvement with Michael. The judge asked the attorney to get to his point because he wasn't making much sense to her. The attorney accused Bianca of lying about the rape for Erica because Erica was scared of losing Enchantment.

Then, the attorney shocked the crowd by informing everyone that Michael owned a controlling interest in Enchantment. Erica was distraught at the news and started screaming at Michael, "You raped my daughter! You think I give a damn about my company!" She fainted, and David carried her out of the courtroom. Bianca asked the judge if she could go because she needed to be with her mother. The judge allowed it, and Bianca found Erica in a private room, recovered, but still shocked from the news. Bianca asked her if Michael had some part in Enchantment. Erica said she didn't know and was more focused on helping Bianca than on Michael's schemes.

After Bianca left, Michael's attorney asked the judge to dismiss this case because Jackson had no evidence that Michael had raped Bianca. Jackson snapped at the attorney and told him he had a solid case to present to the judge. Jackson added that Michael had a history of attacking woman. The attorney asked, "If that's true, where is the evidence?" Kendall stood up and proclaimed that she was evidence of Michael's twisted history of attacking women. She pleaded with the judge to not let Michael get away with raping her sister. The judge demanded that the lawyers finish the rest of the case privately in her office.

As Ryan and Alexander looked on the television, a reporter started questioning Kendall about Michael. Kendall began trashing Michael, but Aidan dragged her away from the reporter. Alexander was distressed at Michael's behavior and explained to Ryan that Michael had tried to take over Enchantment. "I topped it off by giving Erica his seat on the board of directors on Cambias Industries," Alexander added. Back in the courtroom, Bianca's family and friends held hands and said a prayer for her.

In the judge's chambers, she informed Jackson that she really needed more evidence to take this case to court. Jackson said that Bianca's testimony should be enough for her and for any woman who had been raped. Everyone arrived back in the courtroom, and the judge announced that she was ready to make a decision."

- Soap Central