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"Judge Lambert dismissed the rape charges against Michael to the astonishment of the courtroom spectators. She said there was not enough evidence to hold Michael over for trial, but she would reinstate the charges if new evidence came to light. Jack told Michael he'd find evidence and then advised Michael's attorney to get Michael out of the courtroom before the crowd turned into a "lynch mob." Michael taunted the crowd, and Lena ran at him, threatening to kill him. Michael's attorney and Boyd held her back until the police came, but Michael said he didn't want to press charges. "Miss Kundera can't touch me," he explained. "None of you can." He said he'd survived everyone's attempts to bring him down and now owned the town. He'd achieved his goals now that he owned both Fusion and Enchantment, and he was now CEO of Chandler Enterprises. Tad advised Michael to leave, and Boyd vowed that Michael would pay for the rape. Michael left and gave an interview to the press, stating that Erica had been so desperate to save her company that she'd put Bianca up to lying on the stand. A reporter asked if his father had been the mastermind of his takeovers, but Michael said he'd done it all on his own.

Bianca blamed herself for the loss of Enchantment. Erica comforted her and said she didn't care about the company. She got up to hug Bianca and stumbled, but assured her daughter she was fine. Jack arrived with the bad news from the courtroom. Bianca felt certain she'd made a mistake on the stand, but Jack reassured her she'd done a great job. He swore he'd get more evidence against Michael. He apologized to Erica and left. Erica told Bianca she was proud of her for her courage on the stand. She said it helped her in ways she couldn't explain. They hugged, when they noticed Michael walked in. Erica immediately demanded he leave. He said he only wanted to set up a time to discuss Erica's new job description. She told him she would take orders from him when "they'll be selling sno-cones in hell." Michael tried to compromise, but Bianca interrupted him, reminding him that Erica told him to go to hell. Michael accused Bianca of lying on orders from Erica. She replied that she and Erica were not defeated by the court's ruling and in no way were they his victims. She promised him he'd pay for his crime someday. Michael told Erica to clean out her office before leaving. After he was gone, Erica vowed Michael would be out of their lives one way or another and left. Alone, Bianca told herself she needed proof Michael raped her. She looked in her date book and realized her period was late.

Blaming himself for the outcome of the hearing, Jack returned to the courtroom, where Justin told him he'd done all he could. Greenlee showed up and told Jack none of what happened had been his fault. Mary arrived in time to see her daughter comforting Jack. Jack told Greenlee he'd let Bianca down. Greenlee told him Bianca still believed in him, as did she. Mary approached and told Jack she was sorry about his loss. She suggested the three of them go out to dinner to help take his mind off of it. Jack ignored her and told Greenlee he had to return to his office. Greenlee told Mary she saw through her attempts to get Jack back and advised her to stay away. Greenlee walked out, and Opal told Mary she was appalled that Mary had no shame.

Opal left a message for Palmer, telling him the results of the hearing, and all that happened afterward.

Ryan was angry at the judge's ruling. He turned to Alexander, only to find him clutching his heart. After calling for help, Ryan called Michael and told him he was his worst nightmare. Ryan told Michael he saw him rape a woman and said he was coming back to Pine Valley. Michael concluded it was a prank call.

Kendall thought Erica and Bianca blamed her for bringing Michael to town. She was upset that Aidan had stopped her from killing him. Kendall and Aidan argued over his decision to thwart her murder attempts. Kendall insisted Bianca and Erica hated her. Aidan disagreed. Aidan told Kendall to stop blaming herself, and put her energy to work helping Erica and Bianca.

Anna asked David how Bianca was doing. He told her this was a travesty of justice. He seemed upset with Anna, because she had convinced him to tell the complete truth on the stand. She told him that despite the outcome, she was proud that he did the right thing and told the truth.

Palmer told Adam that Michael had taken over Chandler Enterprises the second he and Stuart had left on vacation. They agreed to team up against Michael. Stuart found a note from Adam that he had to go to town and would be back tomorrow.

Boyd, Maggie, Lena, and Myrtle brainstormed for ideas how to find evidence. Lena said it was possible there was no evidence to find and that she couldn't take that chance. She ran out.

Jack returned to his office. He looked at a family portrait of himself, Bianca, and Erica. Frustrated by the day's proceedings, he threw his nameplate across the room. Reggie retrieved it for him and told Jack he could always talk to his "boys" on the street to take care of Michael. Jack refused the offer and told Reggie he had business to attend to. Reggie asked to come along, but Jack said he couldn't have anything to do with it.

David arrived back at his office to a phone call that Bianca's test results were on his fax machine. Before he could look at them, Bianca arrived on his doorstep. Bianca asked David for her test results. He told her she tested negative for Hand sexually transmitted diseases. She really wanted to know if he'd done a pregnancy test. She explained that she was late, adding that it wasn't uncommon with her anorexia and stress level, but she wanted to be sure. David told Bianca she is pregnant.

The nurse told Ryan that Alexander was in critical condition after suffering a massive heart attack. She said it was unknown if he would make it. Ryan told an unconscious Alexander of his phone call to Michael. He said Michael needed something to be afraid of. "You need to stay alive," Ryan told him. "Don't let Michael win.""

- Soap Central