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"Kendall is sitting on the floor, crying in Michael's house. Ryan is looking on from outside the door and starts to turn the knob. He hesitates and backs away when Kendall gets up and notices a red spot on the wooden floor. Ryan continues to look on and watches Kendall grab a tissue and tries to scrub it away. She gets up and pulls out a bottle of water from the refrigerator and some paper towels. She bends down and successfully gets the spot out of the floor. When she sits down, someone touches her shoulder from behind and startles her. She whips around and sees Aidan. Kendall scolds him for sneaking up on her and demands to know why he is there. Aidan tells her that he is worried about her and wants to know why and if she really married Michael Cambias. Kendall avoids answering him by telling him to leave. Next, Aidan asks where Kendall's shoes are because she was walking around in bare feet. Kendall tells him she likes to walk around without shoes, but Aidan doesn't believe her. He gives her a hug and begins to kiss her neck. She turns around and they share a kiss on the lips. When Ryan sees them kissing, he walks away from the house. After the kiss, Aidan tells Kendall that ?either you married him and killed him or you didn't marry him and just killed him.? Kendall is appalled at his accusation and Aidan points out that she wouldn't give up her relationship with Erica or Bianca for some flimsy marriage with the man who raped her sister. He continues to tell her that she wouldn't betray her friends just to get Fusion back. Kendall says to Aidan that he doesn't really know her and she was tired of sucking up to Erica and Bianca. She tells him what really happened when she talked to Bianca after the trial and thinks that Bianca blames her for the rape. Aidan still doubts her and doesn't believe she would choose money over her family. Aidan begs to Kendall to let him help her through her tough time, but Kendall just barks at him to get out! Edmund shows up at Michael's house and asks Kendall for an interview for Tempo. She happily agrees but tells him that they should conduct the interview over a very fancy and very expensive dinner.

Ryan goes to visit his father's grave. He stumbles upon Maria, who is placing flowers on Chris's grave. Ryan recognizes that it is Maria, but doesn't tell her and Maria doesn't know that Ryan is Chris's son. Ryan says that she should be more careful because it is late at night. Maria thanks him for his concern, but assures him that she visits the graves once a week and is used to be around ghosts. Ryan asks her how she knew Chris. She tells him that Chris is a "hero" because he saved Maddie's life. Maria leaves and Chris leans down onto the grave. He talks to Chris and tells him that he should have come back to Pine Valley sooner to protect him. "I guess you turned out to be the man I always knew you were," he says.

Greenlee begins to ask Juan Pablo a question, but turns away and says, "I should go." Juan Pablo tells Greenlee that she can ask him anything. Greenlee asks him what he wants. Juan Pablo says, "What do you think I want?" Greenlee says, "nothing" and tells him that he can have any woman he wants. Juan Pablo asks Greenlee to stay longer, but she tells him she has to go because she has a long day tomorrow, since the Fusion's Sexiest Man Contest is almost over. She thanks him for his help and he kisses her hand. She says she'll call him and goes to The Valley Inn Bar/Restaurant where Simone and Mia are having drinks. When Greenlee joins them, she is happy and giddy and toasts to "the power of love." Mia and Simone look at her like she is crazy and realize she doesn't know about Kendall's marriage to Michael. They tell her the story and although Greenlee is shocked, she hopes that Michael never returns to Pine Valley. Simone is devastated because she thinks Kendall has won the bet, which means she out 3 months pay. Greenlee assures Simone that Kendall hasn't won the bet because she doesn't love Michael and marriage was not part of the bet. Simone is relieved and they all decide to call the bet off!

Jackson goes home and calls Erica, but gets the answering machine. He leaves her a message and tells her to call him back immediately. Reggie comes into the living room with a suit in one hand. He reminds Jackson that tomorrow is the day he will officially become Jackson's adopted son. Jackson doesn't seem that excited and tells Reggie that he has a lot on his mind. Reggie tells Jackson that if it is about Michael Cambias, he has a right to know. Jackson is surprised by Reggie's reaction and asks him why he has a right to know. Reggie quickly says that he is a part of the family and wants to protect Bianca. Then he blurts out, "I'd do it again.? Jackson asks why he means by that statement but Reggie brushes him off. Jackson goes to his room and when he comes back he tells Reggie that his safe is open and his gun is missing. Reggie immediately assumes that Jackson is accusing him of stealing his gun. Reggie gets angry, throws the suit on the couch, and tells Jackson to forget about adopting him. Jackson tells him that he isn't accusing him of anything and says, "You'll be my son whether you like it or not and if you say you didn't take my gun, I believe you." Reggie believes Jackson and tries on his suit. Jackson tells him he looks good but needs to ask him one question. Jackson asks him if he was with Bianca all night after the trial. Reggie says, "I protected Bianca all night just like you asked." Reggie goes to bed and Jackson tries calling Erica again, but gets no answer.

Erica shows up at David's house, looking worried and frantic. She tells him that she can't find her date book. She thinks she lost it the day of Michael's trial and "if its lost, there is no telling where is may have ended up." David and Erica look for the date book, but are unable to find it. David tells Erica about Kendall's marriage to Michael. Erica is shocked and doesn't seem to believe it. David tells her that Kendall has a marriage certificate and has been telling everyone about the marriage. Anna walks in, Erica thanks David for his time and leaves. Anna complains to David about the Michael Cambias case. She says she hates the case because everyone is lying to her, even David. David asks her if there is anything he can do to help her. Anna says, "You can help by confessing what you've done, but I don't want to hear it.? David tells her to mark the case closed and forget about looking for Michael. Anna remembers their wedding day and how she was able to forget about everything he did for that one night. Anna asks David if he ever wanted to go back to that day and find what they had. "Or maybe it is gone forever," she says sadly. David tells her that he doesn't want what they had to be gone and then Anna goes to bed.

Juan Pablo takes a shower before he goes to bed. After he takes a shower, he slips in his bed and is shocked to find Mary in there with him!

As Kendall shows Edmund out of the house, Erica shows up. She angrily asks Kendall if she is married to Michael Cambias. Kendall proudly confirms that Erica has heard correctly and Erica responds by slapping her across the face."

- Soap Central