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"Bianca was sleeping on the couch when she had a dream that Kendall and Michael walked in acting like the happy couple. In the dream Bianca asked Kendall what she was doing. Kendall told Bianca it was because of her that she had the strength to deal with Michael, then both sat on either side of Bianca. Michael said he came to claim what was his. Bianca asked what he was talking about and Kendall said they came to take the baby, that it was perfect, she and Michael would raise the child and Bianca could have her life back. Bianca screamed let me go you can't take my child until she finally jerked awake. Moments later the door knob to the penthouse turned, Bianca was a little frightened but grateful that it turned out to be Myrtle. Myrtle asked how Bianca was doing. Bianca said she was doing good. Myrtle asked about Erica, Bianca said she talked Erica into going to the health club for a massage partly because Erica was hovering over her too much. Myrtle said that Bianca would be fine. Bianca asked if Myrtle was taking up some of Opal's habits. Myrtle laughed and said that she read palms in the carney. She took Bianca's hand and said "hmmmm." Bianca said she'd bite and asked what did Myrtle see. Myrtle answered love. She said she was lots of love in Bianca's future. Bianca asked if it was new or old love. Myrtle said she wasn't sure of that but that she was sure that there would be love and trust and that Bianca would see life and happiness threw new life. Bianca thanked Myrtle for saying that and hoped she was right. She did question Myrtle seeing all of that in her palm. Myrtle simply told her she saw it in Bianca's heart.

When Jack walked out of the freezer Edmund asked Jack if he meant what he said. Jack asked what he was talking about. Edmund said "when you said that you were sorry he was found." Jack told Edmund that there was no love lost between them. Edmund questioned Jack's ability to do his job. Jack told Edmund that Michael raped his niece, he walked out of the court room a free man and he didn't like Michael and he never hid his feelings once. Edmund asked if Jack was going to excuse himself. Jack said that he didn't say that. Jack pointed out to Edmund that whoever killed Michael could be someone they know. Edmund asked Jack if he could quote him on some of his statements. Jack said yes but the officer in charge said that wouldn't be a good idea. He also asked Jack where he was the night Michael disappeared. Jack questioned if the officer knew the date Michael disappeared for certain. The officer replied that they will assume it was the night of the Michael's trial. The officer also said that he would question anyone who had dealings with Michael and the victim's of Michael that included Bianca and Erica. Jack told the officer that he would not be questioning Erica and Bianca. When the officer said he had to Jack told the officer that he better not cross that line or he'd find out just who was in charge. Jack left. Another officer came in to tell the officer in charge that Kendall bought the building earlier that day. Edmund was made to leave or be charged with obstruction before the officer spoke of who owned the building.

Greenlee and Juan Pablo returned from their fun filled night. They talked about the difference in rides between the US and Argentina. The pair kissed and when it was getting too passionate Greenlee pulled away and said no. Juan Pablo repeated her "no"? She said a thousand no's. Juan Pablo asked what he did wrong. Greenlee said that it wasn't him it was her. She said she always jumped in too fast and she wanted to stop and take it slow just like he wanted her too. She said she didn't want to ruin anything with him by moving too fast. She asked where they go from there and he told her that it was up to her. They talked about the night he saved her from herself. She told him he was like the men from the 40's black and white movies, saying he was romantic. He asked where she got her knowledge from and she said the old movie channels and turned on the tv. To their surprise they heard the news of Michael's body being found. Greenlee thought of Kendall and asked if she could've murdered Michael then got up and left to find Kendall.

At the health club Ryan heard someone push the temperature gage for the steam, he peeked around the corner and saw Kendall. Seconds later, Mia, Liza, and Simone walked in to talk to Kendall. She told them to leave. They went into the spill how they created Fusion and knew Kendall didn't want to lose Fusion. Liza told Kendall that she'd give her share of Chandler up to her if she'd give equal shares of Fusion to her so that she can redistribute the shares among them all and save Fusion. Kendall agreed on one condition; that they show up to her wedding reception and toast her marriage to Michael. They didn't want to do that and said that it was in bad taste. Kendall told them to leave that they failed her test. Greenlee walked in and Kendall made a comment that she could leave too because she didn't want to hear anything she had to say. Greenlee said that they must not have heard. Kendall asked "heard what"? Greenlee informed her that Michael's body was found. All four women looked at Kendall. She told them that she didn't do it. Outside the steam room she told the four women that she married Michael for a reason and that they needed to trust her. None seemed willing to do that so she told them to leave. Once the girls left Kendall called Boyd, told him Michael's body was found, that the cops were probably looking for and he knew what to do.

Ryan found it interesting what the girls were talking about. Erica walked in and saw Ryan. She asked if it was really him so he walked over and let her touch him. She said she was happy to see him. He started talking about Chris and how he wanted to say so much to her. She told him that he said everything beautifully in the letter he wrote. Then she asked if Chris was the reason he was there. He said no. She asked what was and he told her he couldn't say just yet. She asked what he was up too and he said everyone would know in a few days. He said it did involve Kendall but that was all he could say for now. He asked if she'd keep it a secret that he was in town. She promised she would. He thanked her, she motioned for him to give her a kiss on the cheek; he turned her face and kissed her on the lips.

As Myrtle was leaving Bianca Jack arrived. Jack asked Bianca if Erica was home and she said no so he in turn asked when Erica would be home. She told him about an hour. She asked Jack what was wrong. He said he should wait for Erica but Bianca asked him to tell her. He said that it was about Michael. Bianca panicked she wanted to know if he saw Michael in town and if he threatened her. He said Michael was in town but he didn't threaten her. Bianca said Michael wouldn't leave her alone. Jack said he won't hurt you or anyone else ever again. Bianca asked how could he be sure of that, Jack replied because Michael was dead. Bianca said no he couldn't be dead Kendall saw him alive.

Kendall arrived at the warehouse and asked to see Michael's body. The officer in charge tried questioning her. She told him that she just found out on the television that her husband was dead and that she had to fight through media and a crowd just to get there. The officer offered his condolences and let her in to see the body. Kendall looked completely surprised by seeing Michael. She touched the body and it spun around. Michael's eyes opened and winked at her, she screamed, fell backwards and fainted."

- Soap Central