Browse By Year



"Babe and JR were in their room discussing their marriage and the fact Adam has likely hired a private investigator to dig up dirt on Babe. JR did a good imitation of Adam, downstairs on the phone talking to a PI. JR gave her a platinum credit card and she was delighted, but turned it down so people wouldn't keep thinking of her as a gold digger. JR insisted she keep it and as she danced happily around the room, she accidentally opened one of the secret doors to the tunnels. JR explained the home's heritage as part of the Underground Railroad, helping slaves escape. She was enchanted with the possibilities of eavesdropping around the house.

Tad came over to talk to Adam about leaving JR alone. Adam suggested that Tad may be mistaken about Jamie's innocence and that he seems odd around JR and Babe. Winifred came in with the painting of a cow that Stuart had made for Babe, saying Babe wanted it hung in the parlor. Adam kicked her out and told Tad to leave if he wouldn't help him undo JR's mistake. Tad told Adam he was in enough trouble already without trying to ruin JR's life. He also said that Mary Smythe was the only person in town stupid enough to go along with one of his schemes and that there was no way Mary was with Jamie, trying to get information against his brother. Tad reminded Adam how Mary had been kicked out of France for seducing an underage boy and ordered him to stay away from JR and Babe. Tad asked to speak to Mary and when Adam said she was running an errand, Tad left in a hurry. Adam called the PI back to discuss finding dirt on Babe as JR and Babe listened from the tunnels. Babe told JR she had a secret to tell him before the PI found out...that she's cheated on the 4th grade spelling bee. Later in bed, she thanked him again for the credit card and they wondered what Tad meant when he talked to Adam about being in trouble.

At Brooke's, Mary and Jamie broke their lip lock and Jamie called it a mistake as Mary pulled him back to sofa for more kissing. Jamie tried to get away, but Mary was insistent and suggested they go upstairs as she reached under his shirt. He was still suspicious and asked to go slow. She spotted the charm bracelet with a cow on it and realized that he must be resisting her because of a girlfriend. Mary kicked off her shoes and grilled Jamie about his love life and wondered who the bovine bracelet was for. As Mary suggested that Jamie could teach her a thing or two, Tad burst into the house. Mary quickly lied about coming to see Brooke about volunteering at the shelter and talking to Jamie instead. Tad suggested Mary bring her own hairnet to work at the shelter and walked her out as he threatened her to leave Jamie alone. Mary ran in to get her shoes and whispered to Jamie that she'd be in touch. Outside, she proudly held up the bracelet that she'd managed to keep. Tad talked to Jamie and said he knows something is going on with a woman and wanted to make sure it wasn't Mary Smythe. Jamie shouted to be left alone and Tad suddenly realized the bracelet had a cow, just like the painting of a cow that Babe wanted hung in the parlor. Holy cow.

In Ryan's hospital room, Jack and Derek continued to grill Ryan about what really happened. He told them about his phone conversation with Michael the day he disappeared, still hoping to find out the exact time of Michael's death. Derek agreed to give Ryan the time of death if Ryan would tell him who killed Michael. Derek said the time of death had been narrowed to a 24 hour window starting the day of the hearing. Ryan was frustrated with that and then told Derek that based on his conversation with Michael, he would swear Michael had killed himself. Of course, Jack and Derek were skeptical that Michael could have hung himself on the meat hook. Derek placed Ryan under arrest for obstruction of justice. Maria said Ryan needed to stay in the hospital for 24 hours. Derek left to go after Kendall. Later, Maria caught Ryan getting dressed and trying to leave. He begged for only 30 minutes to get to the airport and promised to come right back. Maria had to wonder why he wanted to help Kendall.

Kendall was stunned that Aidan was planning to whisk her out of town on a Cambias jet and that the police think she tried to poison Ryan. She was relieved that Ryan was all right and insisted she'd had nothing to do with poisoning him. She didn't believe it when Aidan told her Ryan arranged the jet for them to get out of town and is on their side. Aidan said he'd come with Kendall and help her run from the law the rest of their lives. Kendall said he had to know all the facts before he gave up his life and Aidan said he already knew everything. He wanted to save her from herself but she wanted to stay and face everyone and not run away, although she cried about not being able to keep all her lies straight. Aidan begged her to let someone love her back. Kendall said she believes he loved her and they kissed. Kendall called up to the cockpit to order a quick takeoff and they settled into their seats. The engines shut off and Derek boarded to place Kendall under arrest.

Bianca and Erica continued their argument about Kendall. Bianca tried to defend Kendall, but Erica would not hear it. Bianca lectured Erica about how they may be responsible for the way Kendall behaves. Erica refused to accept that logic, accusing Kendall of twisting her own psyche. Bianca reminded Erica of how hard it was for Kendall when she first learned about the rape and her adoption. Erica began to soften, but also recalled how she felt with Richard Fields' child growing inside her for nine months and how glad she was that Bianca had terminated her pregnancy. They took deep breaths and calmed down just as Lena came by to visit. Erica apologized to Lena for how she had not accepted her relationship with Bianca earlier and is glad that Bianca has such a close and good friend now. Bianca walked Erica out to talk about how different their rape situations are and how she did not want to hurt Erica. Erica hugged Bianca and said they are strong enough to conquer anything. Lena and Bianca then talked and Lena told her she may have to leave town for a while. Bianca asked Lena to deliver a message to Kendall and say thanks for protecting her, even though it cost a lot. Bianca reminded Lena that she did not hold anyone but Michael responsible for what happened to her.

Erica rushed to the hospital to talk to Jack about Kendall and was surprised to learn she was probably being arrested at that moment for poisoning Ryan. Jack was surprised that Bianca defended Kendall, just like Ryan had. Erica asked him to come back to the penthouse, but he refused as long as she's pretending to be with David. Jack asked for a rain check so he can help Kendall. Lena came up looking for Kendall and was totally shocked to hear that Kendall was being arrested for poisoning Ryan.

Mary came back to Adam's, gloating and suggested Adam give her jewelry in exchange for the information, specifically the jewelry, she got from Jamie. They discussed the bracelet and the fact Babe obviously has a new admirer."

- Soap Central