"Ryan delivered a bouquet of white flowers to the Fusion office. Simone enthusiastically rushed to put them in water as Mia asked Ryan what the hell he was doing with Kendall and accused him of pitting Greenlee against Kendall. She vowed that they would all stick together to save Fusion.
Jackson went to Aidan's motel room and saw his list of suspects and Aidan confronted him about the evidence against Jack, including his visit to the evidence room and possible missing items. Jack warned Aidan to stop trying to protect Kendall. Jack got a phone call telling him the authorities had narrowed the exact time of Michael's death.
Erica went to see Lena in jail and after hearing Lena admit she had poisoned Michael's pills, offered her whatever help she needs. Erica was very sympathetic to Lena and wished she had known Mona; she told Lena about how Mona had gone after Richard Fields with a gun but couldn't shoot him and in the end, let him die of a heart attack without calling for help. Erica offered to get Lena a better lawyer but Lena resisted Erica's help or interference with her relationship with Bianca.
Reggie arranged for Bianca and Greenlee to be at Jack's to discuss getting Erica and Jackson back together. Greenlee would not accept blame for breaking them up and did not believe that David had come after Erica without help from Erica, since females lions do the hunting in nature. She refused to be part of a scheme to get Jack and Erica back together. The only thing they could agree on is they each want to see Jack happy. Jack came home and told them all that Michael had died sometime in the night of the hearing, before his father died in Las Vegas. Greenlee realized this meant Ryan owns everything and rushed out. Jack explained that Lena would be set free because Michael was dead before she poisoned the pills. Jack wanted to talk to Reggie about the gun and Bianca waited before going to Lena. Reggie admitted it was the same caliber that had killed Michael and he'd bought it to protect Bianca but said he never shot it. Bianca swore that Reggie had been with her the entire night and she had gotten rid of the gun.
Kendall went to the funeral home for a private goodbye to Michael and ordered the staff to open the coffin. She could not hide her dislike of Michael. She yelled a hateful goodbye at the corpse and when she turned to leave, a hand reached out to grab her. It was Ryan, who had overheard every nasty word of Kendall's farewell. He was there to offer his help with making the arrangements and they hugged. Soon, they were arguing over love, sex and the Cambias fortune. Aidan came in to break the news about Michael's time of death. Kendall refused Ryan's offer of financial help for lawyers and ran out. Ryan and Aidan argued about Kendall before discussing how distressing it was that Michael would be in the same cemetery as Chris Stamp and Leora Hayward.
Back at the Fusion office, Greenlee rushed in and told Mia and Simone about seeing Kendall and Ryan naked on the roof and that Ryan owns Fusion. When she learned the beautiful flowers were from Ryan, she threw them out. Greenlee offered to make the ultimate sacrifice, for the good of the company and take Kendall's place in Ryan's bed.
Later, Erica brought flowers to Mona's grave and her talk was interrupted by the noise of a grave being dug next to Mona...a grave for Michael Cambias."
- Soap Central