"J.R. pays Ethan a visit at his office and overhears him on the phone saying that he has information to bring Erica down. Ethan tells J.R. that he hates his father enough to do whatever it takes to destroy him. Kendall walked into the office and heard their conversation. She wanted Ethan to define "whatever it takes." JR flattered her, and told her not to listen to her family knowing that Ethan is lying through his teeth. He left and Kendall ended up in Ethan's arms again. J.R. wants Kendall for himself and he told Adam that he will have her. He is just waiting for the truth to come out about Ethan and when it does, he knows Kendall will fall apart and he will be there to pick up the pieces.
Lily and Reggie heard Erica, Jack and Kendall arguing about Ethan outside the door. Jack and Erica continued to try to convince Kendall that Ethan is a liar, but anything they said fell on deaf ears. Kendall left in a huff. Lily again told Reggie that she made no mistake when she saw Braden hit the man walking out of his wheelchair. The detective who was upstairs in Greenlee's apartment to catch Braden came to interrogate Lily. Erica let Lieutenant Perry in to try to question Lily, but she only wanted to talk about getting a dog. The lieutenant said that Lily will not be a credible witness because it is so hard to connect with her.
Greenlee, sitting at her desk at Fusion with headphones on (with ominous music playing in the background) jumped out of her skin when Jonathan tapped her on the shoulder. He told her that Ryan had been in Iowa looking for Braden. He wanted Greenlee to know that he is just pretending to be on Braden's side to keep Ryan safe. Jonathan let Greenlee know that Braden was meeting Ryan tonight but he is going with him. She wanted to know where Ryan was but Jonathan wouldn't tell her to keep her safe. He insisted on going after Braden alone. Greenlee told him he's as insane as Braden. Jonathan grabbed her arm and told her never to say that again just as Jack appeared. Greenlee told him that Jonathan knows where Braden is. Jack goes after Jonathan but he outran Jack and disappeared. Jack grabbed Greenlee and took her back to his apartment. Jack held a family meeting and told Lily that he was sending her back to her old school. Lily freaked out but Greenlee reassured her that is was a good idea. Jack told Greenlee he was glad to hear that she thought it was a good idea for Lily to leave for a few weeks, because she was going with her. Surprise! Greenlee told Jack and Erica there was no way in hell she was leaving while some madman was trying to kill her husband. She stormed out.
At tempo, Brooke gazes at a photo of Edmund. Jamie showed up for a visit to check on Brooke. He sees the dedication on the cover that is about to be published and feels for Brooke. He pulls out chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream to make her feel better. Jamie told Brooke that he and Babe are staying together although they have no plans to marry immediately.
David and Adam met for a drink but couldn't come to terms about their deal. Babe walked in because she was answering a help-wanted ad for a waitress. She wanted to know what the two of them could possibly have to talk about. Adam left and Babe asked David what was going on. David told her that they have to find Liza and Colby to protect them from Adam. David lied and told Babe that Adam was hot on Liza's trail and she must be warned. Babe tried to call Tad to let him know the situation but could not reach him. David told her that there wasn't time for that and asked if she could get in touch with Liza and Colby without Tad. Babe admitted that Colby called her and she still had the phone number. Babe called Liza and told her what David said. David quizzed her about the conversation and found out that Liza still planned to stay put. When babe left the table to talk to the owner about the waitress job, David immediately grabbed her phone to get Liza's number. When Babe returned to the table she was excited because she got the waitress job she wanted."
- Soap Central