Browse By Year



"As Babe and Little A walk through the park, she sees what appears to be a homeless person under newspapers on a park bench. Babe is startled when the person under the newspapers is Erica not a homeless person. Erica too is surprised to be in the park. Babe asked if she remember even coming to the park and Erica said that she remembered being in Madden's office and being drugged.

Jamie grabbed Josh and demanded he tell him where Madden was. Josh told him to remove his hands when J.R. showed up wanting answers. Suddenly, David appeared in the doorway and with his usual smirk, asked, "You looking for Madden?" Jamie told Josh that Madden may have gone underground by now, and JR said if that's the case, then they may have lost their sister forever. Again, Jamie demanded to know where Madden went. JR said to Josh that his dad had ticked off a lot of people and now was running scared and that they would find him no matter what. David stepped forward and told Josh that they had to talk. JR and Jamie left and David asked Josh where his father was. He said he wouldn't tell. David told him that his father was still under his care and he needed to know where he was so he could keep tabs on him because of his heart condition.

Del in his swimsuit (and eight pack abs) spied Amanda in her bikini as he was staking out Madden's boat at a private club. She sat down on the lounge chair next to Del and as they talked she asked who he was spying on and he told her a doctor named Greg Madden. Amanda told Del that she had worked for Madden and he had been very good to her and that she was going to be a surrogate mother. Del said mother nature did not build her that way to let some crazy guy get her pregnant with a science kit. Del said that he stole his sister's kid and that he was going to pay. Del explained what had happened with Dixie but Amanda said Madden would never do something so horrible.

Tad told Di that Madden had been two steps ahead of them the whole time and that they may never find Kate now. JR and Jamie went to Tad's house and he and Di asked where they had been all night. Tad asked if they had been playing in the dirt. They all recapped what they did the night before. Tad also admitted that Del's sabotage may have slowed Madden down. He then asked if anyone had seen Dixie. They all said no and became worried that she may be in some kind of trouble. Tad went to Dixie's but she didn't answer when he knocked on the door. He opened the door and was very surprised to see what was inside. (Don't know what it was) Babe came in and told JR and Jamie that Kendall and Spike were going to be alright. She asked where they had been all night and they said looking for leads to find Madden. She asked why it took all night and they gave no answer. The next scene revealed why the brothers were so dirty. Deep underground, Madden was in a box out cold buried alive. Madden then awoke and was understandably frightened.

Kendall woke up and asked why she was in the hospital. Ryan explained the situation and told her that she was going to be fine. Kendall asked about Spike and wanted to see him. Bianca went in the hall to find Erica. She asked for Zach and Ryan told her that he would go get Zach right now. The doctor entered the room and told Ryan and Bianca that he needed to check Kendall. They left the room and Ryan called the jail and found out that he had been bailed out last night. Ryan left an urgent message for Zach to return his call. Erica arrived at the hospital, but Bianca said that she couldn't go in the room because the doctor was with Kendall. Erica said she couldn't wait any longer to see her daughter and burst into the room. Kendall told her that she wanted to see Spike, but the doctor said she wasn't strong enough to leave her bed yet. Kendall told Erica all she wanted was to take Spike and be a family. Kendall also told Erica that she and Zach had gotten married and Erica said that he made that abundantly clear. Ryan wheeled Kendall to the nursery and she got to be with Spike."

- Soap Central