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"Zach rushed into Kendall's hospital room to find it empty. He saw Erica and Bianca and asked what happened to Kendall. Erica coldly told him she was not his concern anymore, but Bianca said she was in the nursery. Kendall was in the nursery with Ryan. They were happily looking at Spike. Ryan was about to tell her something when Zach walked in. They embraced and kissed. Kendall officially introduced Zach to her son as Ryan and Bianca looked on. Ryan had a disappointed look on his face and Bianca noticed this. Julia came in and needed to check on Spike. Outside, Bianca asked Ryan if he was going to admit to Kendall he was in love with her. He said no because he knew she was in love with Zach and that he made her very happy. Bianca said it would be hard to get over her now that Spike was in both of their lives. He explained he did not want to torture himself over what he did not have, but be grateful for what he did have. He said Spike was originally supposed to be Kendall's gift to Greenlee; however, it turned out to be her gift to him. Meanwhile, Zach and Kendall were in her room. Kendall questioned where he was when she woke up. He simply said he wished his face was the first she saw. He then told her she might not want to be his wife because of what he did. He said he risked her life for Spike's. She thanked him and said he was the only man to ever listen to what she wanted.

Erica was in the hospital talking to Josh. She wanted to know where his father was. He told her he did not know and to leave them both alone. Erica revealed he had stuck her with a needle and drugged her. She said he could not get away with it. Then, Jack walked in. He got on Josh's case, but Erica intervened. She said she was taking her anger for Dr. Madden out on Josh. Josh left and Jack inquired why she was sticking up for him. He also said he knew she was hiding something from him and demanded to know. Erica gave him the details of her abduction. Jack immediately got up to see Chief Frye. Erica pleaded with him not to go. She claimed she never wanted to see Dr. Madden again. Jack would not listen and left to see Chief Frye.

Di went to the yacht club to meet Del. She found him checking out girls and reprimanded him. Del obscurely told her he had taken care of everything and she backed down. Then, Josh showed up. They instantly began to question him about Kate. He repeatedly told them he knew nothing. He also said he did not consider Dr. Madden his father anymore.

Tad walked into Dixie's hotel room and found it totally destroyed. He frantically called out for Dixie while he looked for her. Soon after, Dixie walked in. Tad saw her and seemed relieved. He said thank God and hugged her. Dixie was surprised at his concern. Tad then pulled away, realizing how affectionate he was being. Dixie quickly discovered all of the evidence she had against Dr. Madden was gone. David then entered and told Dixie he was going to find Kate, not Tad. The two exchanged heated words. Dixie interjected and told David to leave. She said she regretted not telling Tad about Kate immediately after the accident. David left, but not without asserting he would be the one to put Kate in her arms. Tad wanted to go back to Dr. Madden's island, but Dixie said it was useless. Tad said we are going to find our daughter. Dixie thanked him for saying "we". Tad nodded his head in acknowledgement and left.

Dr. Madden looked around him and realized he was buried alive! He observed his abductor had given him food and an air supply. He also saw a microphone. He began to question who did this to him and why. When he was not answered, he closed his eyes and started chanting. Suddenly, a disguised voice was heard telling him to rise and shine. The voice explained he would be freed as soon as he disclosed the location of Kate. Dr. Madden said Dixie willingly gave her daughter up. He also said it would be selfish and cruel to take the little girl away from the only family she has ever loved. He was given no response. Frustrated, he asked if anyone was there. He only heard silence."

- Soap Central