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"Adam stood in the center of the living room. He had no idea that three guns were aimed at him. Zach, Kendall, and David stood in hidden locations, unaware of each other, while they focused on their target: Adam. Tad lurked nearby.

Opal, Krystal, and Aidan were gathered at the gates of the mansion when they heard a shot ring out.

Inside the living room, Adam collapsed to the ground. As his eyes slowly closed, he was haunted by all of the recent accusations and threats against him. The last words Adam heard were his own, "I must die for all I have done to all of you."

Moments later, Jesse kicked in the front door to the mansion. Several police officers entered behind Jesse. As they scattered to check the house, Jesse made his way to the living room. Jesse noticed Adam's body on the floor. A quick check of Adam's pulse confirmed that Adam was dead.

Jesse radioed to the other officers that he found a body with a gunshot wound to the back. A movement on the terrace caught Jesse's attention. Jesse drew his gun then ordered the suspect to stop. Jesse was forced to shoot when it appeared that the person had attempted to flee.

Jesse was stunned when he rolled the person over and discovered that it was Tad. Opal, Krystal, and Aidan rushed into the living room seconds later. A police officer tried to hold Opal back, to no avail. Opal pushed past the officer as she ran out to the terrace. Opal broke down in tears when she saw her son's bloody body.

Opal asked Jesse what had happened. Jesse explained that he thought Tad had been Adam's murderer. Opal cried that Tad hadn't killed Adam; he had come to the mansion to stop JR from killing Adam.

JR approached the living room. By then Aidan had slipped away while Scott had gone to check on his uncle. Scott blocked JR from entering the living room. Scott didn't think JR needed to see his father's murdered body. In JR's grief, he accused Scott of killing Adam, so that Scott could get his hands on Chandler Enterprises. Before Scott could defend himself, JR ran upstairs to check on Little A.

Aidan was questioning Little A about Annie when JR walked into the bedroom. JR was furious, but more concerned about his son. JR pulled Little A into his arms then explained that Little A needed to remain in his room for a while longer. JR escorted Aidan to the door.

Aidan explained that he had been trying to ascertain if Annie had been in the house. JR revealed that he had seen Annie, with a gun, shortly before Adam's murder. Talk of Adam ceased when Colby approached JR and Aidan. She was concerned because Emma was missing. JR was certain that Annie had taken Emma.

JR realized that Colby didn't know about their father. JR tried to be gentle as he told that something had happened to Adam. When Colby asked if their father was okay, JR admitted that Adam wasn't fine. Colby wanted answers, but JR put off giving Colby the bad news until he had fetched the police to question Aidan. Aidan made a quick escape while JR was on his errand.

A short time later, JR went to the living room to accuse Annie of Adam's murder. Jesse suspected that JR had been drinking. Jesse reminded JR that Annie was on the run. JR insisted that Annie had been on the premises. News of Emma's disappearance finally convinced Jesse that JR had told the truth.

Jesse immediately radioed his police officers to order an ABP on Annie and alert them that Emma was missing. Afterwards, Jesse asked JR about a tunnel door that had been left ajar. JR revealed that the tunnel led to the garden; he offered to take Jesse through it. Jesse alerted an officer near the garden to be on the lookout for a possible suspect. Officer Bailey radioed back that he had found two sets of footprints: one set belonged to a man and the other to a woman.

JR discovered that Tad had been shot by seeing the paramedics rush Tad to the ambulance. JR asked Opal what had happened. Opal blamed JR for Tad's shooting. Opal claimed that Tad wouldn't have been shot if he hadn't been at the mansion to stop JR from killing Adam. When Adam's body was brought out, JR and Krystal prepared to leave. Jesse stopped JR and Krystal; he intended to question them.

Ryan hustled Kendall off of the Chandler estate. Kendall was reluctant to leave Zach behind, so Ryan told her that Ian was alive. A short time later, Kendall and Ryan arrived at the hospital. Before Kendall could go to her son's room, Ryan suggested that she clean her shoes, so that no one questioned the mud on them. Kendall didn't think it would make a difference; she fully expected the police to arrest her for Adam's shooting. Ryan reminded Kendall that Zach had shot Adam.

Angie credited Jake with saving Ian's life. Angie explained to Kendall that Jake had refused to give up on the young boy. Angie confided that it had broken her heart when she had watched Zach say goodbye to Ian. Angie had seen how grief-stricken Zach had been; it disturbed her that Zach continued to needlessly mourn for his son.

Ryan assured Angie that Zach would be fine. As Angie turned to leave, Jake entered the room. Jake warned Angie that they were expecting a gunshot victim from the Chandler mansion. The person was in critical condition.

After Jake and Angie left, Kendall admitted that she feared that Adam could identify her as the shooter. Kendall recalled that Adam had seen her seconds before she had pulled the trigger. Ryan was confident that Zach would take care of everything.

When David arrived at the hospital, he pulled Gayle aside. He asked her to provide him with an alibi for the time of Adam's shooting. Gayle was happy to claim that David had been with her, but under the condition that David spend an entire night with her. In response, David leaned down to kiss Gayle; it was passionate, but brief. He promised, "Soon, very soon."

Tad was brought to the hospital, accompanied by a police officer. Ryan overheard, on the officer's radio, that a child had disappeared from the mansion. Ryan asked the officer for details. The officer revealed that a mother had kidnapped her daughter. Ryan returned to Ian's room. He told Kendall that Adam had been killed, but Tad had been wounded. Ryan then explained that he had to leave because Annie had taken Emma.

Zach spotted a police officer near the front gates of the Chandler mansion. Zach quickly checked the barrel of his gun. Two bullets were missing, but the rest of the chambers were loaded. Zach made sure that the gun was ready to be fired before he gained a police officer's attention. Once Zach had been spotted, he ducked out of view and fired a shot into the air. The police officer fired several shots in Zach's direction before Zach surrendered.

Jesse had JR, Scott, Colby, and Krystal wait in another room while Jesse questioned the witnesses, starting with Zach. Jesse wondered why Zach was at the Chandler mansion. Zach immediately confessed to shooting Adam. Jesse wasn't convinced of Zach's guilt, but Zach insisted that he had shot Adam from the terrace because Adam had killed his son. Jesse told Zach that Ian was not dead.

Zach was elated by the news. He demanded to be released, but Jesse refused to comply. Jesse wanted Zach to tell him the truth about Adam's shooting. Jesse reminded Zach that he had seen Zach when Zach had believed that Ian had died. Zach had been enraged. Jesse didn't believe that Zach would have gone to the breaker box, cut the power to the mansion, and then shot Adam in the back. Jesse believed that had been the act of a coward, not Zach's way of handling things. Zach pointed to the proof: Zach's fingerprints were on the murder weapon and Zach had gunshot residue on his hands.

JR, Krystal, Scott, and Colby waited for Jesse to question them. Colby was distraught over her father's death. Colby wondered who had murdered her father. JR suspected Annie because he had seen Annie with a gun and she had killed before. Scott suspected Zach because of what had happened to Ian. Krystal agreed that the killer could have been Zach. Krystal also pointed the finger of guilt at JR because she had seen JR threatened to shoot Adam. Colby refused to believe that her brother had killed their father. JR suggested that David was a possible murder suspect.

JR revealed that he had seen David skulking around the front gates earlier that evening. JR explained that it had been David's gun that he had used to threaten Adam. Krystal defended David; she insisted that David had been called to the hospital, on an emergency, before the shooting. Krystal was certain that David had not been in the house. Little A disputed his grandmother's claim. JR picked his son up and gently questioned Little A about what the young boy had seen. Little A told his father that Grandpa David had wanted to talk to Grandpa Adam.

Aidan continued to search the house for Annie. He found her backpack tossed on the floor, but Annie was nowhere in sight. Elsewhere in the mansion, a police officer searched for more occupants. As the officer moved down the hall, someone opened a hidden door in a linen closet.

When Ryan arrived at the Chandler estate, a police officer refused to allow him onto the property. Ryan insisted that he needed to help in the search for his daughter. The police officer refused to be swayed. Ryan switched tactics; he punched the officer. The police officer fell to the ground, unconscious. A short time later, Ryan walked into the Chandler living room while Jesse questioned Zach. Zach and Ryan shared a long look.

David and Jake discussed Tad's prognosis. David believed that Tad required immediate brain surgery. Jake refused to consider letting David anywhere near Tad's brain.

Erica walked into Ian's room. As Erica and Kendall talked, Erica revealed that she had been at home, soaking in a bath. Kendall decided to tell Erica about Adam's murder. Erica's reaction raised Kendall's suspicions. Kendall was certain her mother had known about Adam's murder before Erica had walked into Ian's room."

- Soap Central