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"Amanda told Jake that she was shocked when Opal told her Tad had been shot in the head and Stuart was dead.

Scott and JR looked at Stuart's body from outside the morgue. Scott said it was not fair that Adam outsmarted the killer, leaving Stuart to take the hit. JR said Adam would never sink low enough to put his own brother at risk. Scott said that if Adam had not intended to hurt Stuart, Stuart would not have changed into Adam's suit at the Chandler home. JR said he could not explain Stuart's death. Scott thought it was strange that Adam had not called JR to even check on Stuart. JR said the killer might have gotten to Adam, too.

Scott went inside the morgue to say his last words to Stuart. He apologized for not being closer with his father over the years. Scott said he seemed to be more concerned over his latest inventions than his own family. Scott said he loved Stuart more than anything in the world, kissed his forehead, and walked outside. He sobbed in JR's arms.

Liza kissed Tad as he woke up in the hospital. Tad was in good spirits, joking and playing with Liza. He even asked her for a dance. But Liza said she couldn't dance with Tad until after she had her baby. Liza said she was not sure how her mother would handle Stuart's death. Liza said reconnecting with Colby was her reason for returning to Pine Valley.

v Amanda and Jake visited Tad, who was still bursting with excitement over Liza. Liza and Jake walked away to chat. Tad suggested Amanda and Jake leave town, elope, and raise the baby together. Meanwhile, Jake told Liza he knew she was faking her pregnancy. Liza said Amanda was going to give her baby up for adoption. Liza planned to take the baby and raise it herself without telling Amanda.

Jake said he would not lie to Amanda. Liza said David would find out about the baby if Jake did not go along with her plan. Jake told Liza to leave Amanda alone.

Adam began experiencing chest pain when he realized that Stuart was dead. Aidan and Annie immediately went to help Adam. Annie performed CPR until Adam began breathing. Adam sat up against a wall to catch his breath. Aidan pulled Annie aside. Annie told Aidan that she and Emma would stay put while he took Adam to a hospital. Aidan was worried Annie would run off, but agreed to take Adam to the hospital.

Natalia showed Angie prescriptions that were found in Adam's attic. Natalia said the bottles were empty, but only filled a week before. Angie thought something seemed odd about the prescriptions.

David told Krystal that he should have stuck with a simpler plan to kill Adam. Krystal asked David if really wanted to kill Adam, but David would not answer her. Angie walked in and showed David the pill bottles. Angie said the prescription bottles were forged from the hospital pharmacy. Also, she said residue was found in the bottle, which would likely indicate the pills were toxic and illegal. Angie said David was likely the culprit, and she left.

Krystal asked David how long he had been giving Adam the wrong medication. David claimed he did nothing to harm Adam. Krystal said David would be honest with her if he loved her. David said Krystal was not honest with him about Marissa's paternity, but yet, Krystal claimed she loved him. David said he gave Adam medication to make him memory weaker so he would seem like an unfit grandparent. Krystal made David promise he would stop dosing Adam, but David was swept away to care for Adam before he could give Krystal an answer.

Ryan told Jesse that the stuffed animal proved Emma had been in the Chandler attic. Ryan said a gunshot was heard in the background of Annie's message. Jesse apologized for his officers not finding the secret door in Adam's home sooner. Ryan said if Jesse's men had acted quickly, Emma would be home. Ryan thought that Adam and Annie were working together to flee town.

Once alone, Emma told Annie that she missed Ryan. Annie called Ryan to make arrangements for Emma's return. Ryan agreed to meet Annie and Emma at Ryan's home without any police interference. Emma ran into Ryan's arms when she saw him. Ryan told Emma to go get ready for a bath. Annie admitted that she never intended on returning Emma to Ryan.

When Aidan went back for Annie and Emma, they were gone. He found Emma and Annie at Ryan's home. Annie explained about being around Adam as he was being gunned down. Also, Annie said Emma was proud of her for saving Adam's life. Hearing Emma boast about her sparked Annie to change her behavior, Annie said.

Ryan asked Annie to turn herself in to the police. Annie asked Ryan if she could have a few last moments with Emma before going to the police. Emma asked Annie to come see her new doll. Ryan did not stop Annie when she went to be with Emma. Annie called the police to turn herself in.

Krystal rushed up to David when she found out doctors were running toxicology tests on Adam. Krystal insisted they leave town immediately. David said he could not leave Amanda and his unborn child. David said he had already lost too many children. He wanted to be there for Amanda's baby.

JR went to check on his father. After Jake left, Adam accused JR of trying to kill him. JR said he might not like his father, but would never shoot him. Adam said he was brought to the hospital after his heart stopped beating.

Jesse came to question Adam. Adam said he was with Emma, Annie, and Aidan before going into cardiac arrest. Adam said he was someplace dark and damp, but not sure of the exact location. Adam said Aidan was surprised to see him alive, but prayed that Stuart had not been killed. Adam sobbed and screamed in pain when he realized Stuart was dead.

David decided that he would be taking over Adam's case, but Angie and Jake were not so keen on the idea. Angie said tests showed the pills could cause cardiac arrest if too many were taken. Jake said the hospital ethics committee would soon be reviewing Adam's case. He suspected David would be charged with the attempted murder of Adam.

Liza and Amanda said goodbye to Tad. Liza said she would be staying in Pine Valley for a while to help her mother cope with Stuart's death. Liza learned that Amanda was eight months pregnant. Amanda said she was having a boy. Liza said she was also having a boy around the same time Amanda was having her baby.

Tad grabbed nurse Gail for a dance in the hallway, but he fell down after only a few steps.

Jesse stopped Liza in the hallway to ask where she was the night Stuart died."

- Soap Central