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"In the woods, Caleb searched for Dog, and Erica awakened to find herself in a pit. Debris cascaded over her, and she feared that the walls would cave in on her. The earth above her rained down, and Erica screamed in terror. Sure that she'd die, Erica prayed that someone would recover her body for her family's sake. She thanked God for her family and her incredible life. Naming each of her loved ones, she asked Him to look out for them.

Suddenly, a hand reached down and grabbed hers. Caleb hauled her out of the pit. "Took you long enough," Erica uttered and fainted. Caleb prodded a limp Erica to get up, but she lay on the ground, murmuring about Jackson and her cell phone. She fell asleep, and Caleb muttered that she never made anything easy. He built a fire and tucked her into a dingy sleeping bag. She awakened, and to his astonishment, she thanked him and smiled a little.

At Caleb's cabin, Krystal urged Jackson to break for the night before he ensnared himself in a bear trap. They found Caleb's moonshine, and upon swigging it, they coughed at its potency. Krystal was glad to be with Jackson, and not the newly reunited Liza and Tad. Krystal claimed that she was happy for Tad, but Jackson remarked that one could only be so happy for an ex.

Jackson remarked that he'd always thought that Krystal and Tad would reunite. Krystal said she'd once thought so, too, and Jackson stated that his relationship with Erica had taught him never to say never. He showed Krystal the ring that he had bought for Erica, and Krystal gasped. She wondered what he'd say once he finally found Erica, but Jackson hadn't a clue.

Krystal offered to let him rehearse on her, and she grinned, listening to Jackson pour his heart out to "Erica." He said that a deep and abiding love connected them, and he didn't know how he'd live without her. Krystal said that Erica would be wearing his ring before he knew it.

At the hospital, Angie's vision blurred as she focused on Jesse. She looked exhausted and complained that she was overworked and underfed. David interrupted to ask Jesse for news on Erica, and Jesse accused David of being involved in Erica's disappearance. Jesse warned that if it were true, neither the mayor nor David's other "power buddies" could save him.

Jesse left, and Angie piled a stack of work before David. She insisted that it all required his signature, but David threatened to fire her and her son if she didn't stop telling him how to run the hospital. Undaunted, Angie shoved a pen in his face.

Later, Angie checked her blood pressure in an exam room, but her vision was too blurry to read the results. She ate a power bar and then saw 165 on the blood pressure meter.

At Fusion, Bianca admonished Greenlee for drinking champagne while Erica remained missing. Greenlee swore that she hadn't wanted anything bad to happen to Erica. Retrieving Erica's picture from the trash, Bianca accused Greenlee of tossing Erica away. Bianca recalled their past plans to marry on the same day. She felt that Ryan's love had changed Greenlee, but Greenlee had since reverted to the person that she'd once been.

Greenlee claimed to have liked that woman she'd been before Ryan, but Bianca didn't think that Greenlee was so cruel as to let Bianca's girls grow up without Erica. Bianca implored Greenlee to be honest about what had happened to Erica's plane. Greenlee quipped that it'd been an accident, just like her motorcycle crash. Bianca assumed that vengeance had led Greenlee to dispose of Erica, but Greenlee responded that she'd never kill for revenge or for control of a company. "What about David? Would he kill for you?" Bianca asked.

Greenlee reasoned that Bianca knew David and Greenlee. Nodding, Bianca expressed her fear and anxiety over Erica's disappearance. Bianca implored Greenlee to reveal what she knew, and Jesse strode in. Suspecting an ambush, Greenlee stuck to her story. Bianca urged Jesse to arrest Greenlee, but Jesse stated that he had no cause to do so.

Just then, Jackson called Bianca to say that after reviewing the crash site, he had good reason to hope that Erica had walked away from it. Bianca worried about Erica being in the wilderness, but Jackson reassured Bianca that Erica had survived worse, and they'd get Erica home as soon as possible. After the call, Bianca relayed the news to Greenlee and Jesse, and Bianca wondered where Erica could be.

Jesse left, and Bianca raged that Erica's death could be on Greenlee's hands. Bianca stated that Greenlee dared to toy with Erica's life, when Greenlee had almost lost her own.

At the park, Madison stopped Ryan, who was jogging away his frustrations. When she said that Greenlee had fired her, he wasn't surprised. He felt that Greenlee had changed, and the best thing that Madison could do was to stay away from her. Ryan was proud of Madison for standing up to Greenlee and for overcoming her past abuse. He coaxed Madison to say that she was proud of herself, and after she did so, she wished that she'd stood up to David, too. Ryan quipped that if anything happened to Erica, then David had better watch his back.

Ryan offered to assist Madison in getting on her feet, but David approached, warning Madison to be leery of Ryan's help. Ryan and David bickered about Erica's disappearance, and David warned Ryan to stay away from Greenlee. Ryan guessed that if he didn't comply, then David would dispose of Ryan, as he had Erica. David attempted to walk off, but Ryan grabbed him by the neck. Choking David, Ryan raged that David wouldn't hurt anyone else.

Madison rushed to pry Ryan off David, but in his anger, Ryan resisted, flinging her to the ground. Realizing what he'd done, Ryan released David and checked on her. A huffing David warned Ryan to get control of his anger before something reckless happened. David staggered away, and Ryan profusely apologized to Madison.

Ryan was upset with himself, because he'd left his rage in the past, but Madison understood his anger. She cited that he wasn't the type to stand idly by when a friend was in need. She knew that he needed to search for Erica, and she offered to watch Emma while he took off to locate his dear friend.

Later, Ryan went to Fusion and was excited to see Bianca, who filled him in on Jackson's call. Greenlee thought that Jackson's news was good, but Bianca again blamed Greenlee for the terrible circumstances. Ryan suggested that Greenlee find her husband. "I put my hands around his throat, and I squeezed. And you know what? I really wish I didn't let go," Ryan said.

Greenlee figured that Ryan had lost control of himself, and he warned that she'd lose her soul while protecting David. She stated that her soul wasn't Ryan's problem, and she assured Bianca that Jackson would get Erica home. Bianca guessed that Greenlee thought that would make up for the hell she'd caused. Tired of being everyone's "kick me" toy, Greenlee said that once they'd adequately disparaged her and her husband, they should try finding Erica.

Greenlee left, and Bianca told Ryan that Greenlee had appeared to be toasting to Erica's death. Bianca sensed that Ryan still loved Greenlee, but he insisted that it was over. He recalled that, upon Greenlee's return, he'd comprehended her anger, but then she'd become obsessed with vengeance. He admitted that he'd love Greenlee no matter what she'd done. Bianca asked if he'd assist in getting justice for Erica, and he replied that he'd do what he had to do.

At Krystal's restaurant, David rubbed his neck and ordered a drink. Jesse entered, and David threatened to cause problems for Angie at the hospital if Jesse didn't back off. Jesse goaded David for a while and then revealed that Erica's plane had been found. David perked up and anxiously asked what had become of Erica. Jesse was sure that they'd find Erica, but he suggested that David hope to God that Erica was still alive.

Jesse returned to the hospital to pick up Angie, but she wasn't ready to leave. He talked her into going by saying that takeout and a bubble bath awaited them. She said he'd won that time, but she couldn't let down her guard while David was trying to take down her and Frankie.

Greenlee and David met in the park, and Greenlee grimaced at David's bruised neck. Recounting her run-in with Bianca, Greenlee stated that she hated lying. "What have you turned me into?" Greenlee grumbled. David insisted that they weren't bad people, and he'd merely been trying to keep the plane grounded. She said that he should have known that Erica wouldn't let a safety inspection deter her from battle. David was confident that they'd find Erica, but he was sure that once they did, everyone would line up against the Haywards."

- Soap Central