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"In the mountains, Jackson left the cabin to resume his search. Krystal chased him to the porch to warn him about the nighttime dangers, but he was willing to risk it. He feared what would happen, because if Erica had perished, then Greenlee would be dead to him, too.

Krystal persuaded Jackson to return inside, and as they discussed relationships, she said that she didn't even know if she really wanted Tad anymore. She said returning to an ex was like going back to a dry well. Looking at Jackson, she quickly stated that Erica and Jackson were different; they'd live happily ever after, no matter how long it took.

Later, Jackson found Erica's bracelet in the cabin. Krystal realized that Erica could be close by. No matter how dark it was, she agreed that they should resume the search immediately.

At a campsite, Caleb urged Erica to head back to the cabin, but she complained about her ankle. She assumed that he'd rather she die, so he could be alone again. Caleb figured that she considered him incapable of caring or sensing loss. She inquired about his loss, and after a while, he reluctantly said that once upon a time, there might have been a man and woman who'd had everything and lost it. "The end," he concluded.

Erica surmised that he'd exiled himself to the mountains after losing his lover, and Caleb replied that he might just be spinning tales to lull her to sleep. She confided that she'd once lost Jackson over a lie during one of her divorces. Caleb didn't want to talk anymore, but Erica bubbled with questions about the owner of the locket. In his eyes, Erica could see his love for the woman. Caleb quipped that Erica talked too much.

Erica insisted that Caleb was running from something, but she believed that he could have joy and hope again. "Who are you?" Caleb suddenly asked. She smiled, proclaiming that she was Erica Kane. He grinned a little and said they'd freeze if they remained outside.

When Erica and Caleb returned to the cabin, she spotted Jackson's map and realized that someone had been there. Erica limped outside to the porch to tell Caleb, and she saw Krystal and Jackson approaching from the brush. Erica called to Jackson, and he ran into her arms.

Jackson took Erica inside, and they held onto each other. Outside, Krystal encountered Caleb, who asked why she was on his property. She tried to thank him, but he just grunted and turned toward the house. She said that she wouldn't do that if she were him. Caleb decided to chop wood, and Krystal started questioning him about Erica's predicament. Dropping his axe, he turned to leave. He told Krystal to be gone with Erica by the time he returned.

Inside, Erica recounted what had happened to her before and after the crash. She said that a man had carried her out of the wreckage, and he'd saved her life. Krystal entered and asked Erica about the scary mountain man. Erica claimed that Caleb was just rough around the edges. She wanted to bid him goodbye, but Krystal said that Caleb had already gone.

Jackson carried Erica out the front door, and when Caleb saw the three of them trekking through the night, he hid behind a tree until they passed.

At the Martin house, Opal was thrilled to see Bianca at her doorstep, but still frazzled about Erica's disappearance. Opal promised that they'd find Erica, and then they'd put a smackdown on Dr. and Mrs. Hayward.

At Krystal's restaurant, a reporter bombarded Greenlee with questions about Erica and Fusion. David chased the reporter off, but a guilt-ridden Greenlee lost her appetite and left. Before going to work, as she told David that she'd do, she went to see if Opal had received any messages about Erica from the great beyond.

Opal snapped that if she'd gotten any visions, she surely wouldn't be talking to Greenlee at that moment. Opal had renounced her visions after Palmer's death, but she said that if Erica happened to be with Palmer, Greenlee should prepare herself for the haunting of a lifetime.

Greenlee wondered what had happened to the supportive Opal, but Opal replied that she'd disappeared when Greenlee had set Erica up. Greenlee denied any involvement. Opal said that Greenlee might not have shot down the plane, but she'd set the wheels in motion.

As David left Krystal's, he ran into the smoldering Bianca. He expressed his concern for her mother, and Bianca told him that if he ever cared for Bianca, he'd tell her what he knew. He avoided answering, and she said that he lied as easily as he breathed. He claimed that he'd never lie about Erica. Bianca warned him that he couldn't ingratiate himself to her in order to win the favor of the town, and suddenly losing her appetite, she left.

Bianca went to Fusion, where she received a call from Reese and Miranda. She put on a brave front for her them and then starting making calls to collect donations for Erica's rescue fund. Greenlee entered and implored Bianca to allow her to help. Bianca reluctantly agreed, and David arrived to find out what he could do. Bianca refused to let David be involved, but he and Greenlee offered his services as a doctor. Bianca said that even if he accompanied her to the crash site, it was illegal for him to treat patients. Greenlee doubted that Erica would mind that inconvenience.

Bianca received a call from Jackson, who announced that he'd located Erica. Erica got on the line to assure her daughter that she was fine. Bianca trembled in relief and told David and Greenlee the good news. Greenlee tried to hug Bianca, but Bianca shoved her away. She said that in her joy, she hadn't forgotten her suspicion that David and Greenlee had somehow been involved in the crash, and she intended to find out exactly what they'd done.

At home, JR thought of his suggestion to Annie and looked again at the picture that Gloria had taken of him and Annie. Marissa wondered where Scott and Annie were, and JR pretended not to care. Once Marissa left the room, JR repeatedly called Scott, who was still making love with Annie in the hotel bed.

When Scott and Annie returned home, he invited her to move into his room with him. They kissed, and she smiled, watching him walk away. Upon entering the parlor, she found JR there. She told JR that she'd found a way to rid him from her system without sleeping with him. "You've had an exorcism?" he guessed. Annie replied that one could call it an exorcism, but Scott would call it the best night of his life.

Annie claimed that one night with Scott had cured her, and she suggested that JR try the same with Marissa. JR, however, wasn't convinced of her so-called cure. The two began bickering, and Scott entered to break it up. JR figured that they were in a standoff, since Annie was there to stay and JR refused to leave. Marissa entered in time to hear JR propose that they all learn to get along in the household.

Annie didn't trust the truce that JR had offered, but Scott was on board, since he'd just asked Annie to move into his room. Marissa looked shocked, and JR clinched his jaw. Hugging Annie from behind, Scott said that they were all Chandlers.

Alone with JR in the parlor later, Marissa pondered JR's sudden peace offering. He said that he just wanted things to return to normal. He thought it would also help if Marissa moved back into their bedroom. He tried to kiss her, but she pulled back. Though she wanted to forgive him and believed that she could, she just wasn't ready yet. She said that she'd move back into his bed because he really wanted her there-not because he wanted to want her there.

AJ interrupted, and Marissa took the boy up to his room. JR gazed at a picture of the three of them, and then he looked at a picture of Annie. Annie entered the room, and JR seemed to forget all about his wife. Annie hoped that he meant what he'd said earlier, and he assured her that he had. They stared at each other for a moment, and Annie went up to her room."

- Soap Central