Browse By Year



"Marian and Liza talked about Liza's impending divorce from Adam. Both were definitely upset that the marriage was about to end, but they had different attitudes and perceptions of what could be done to stop the divorce. Liza thought of the matter as hopeless. Adam hates her, she explained, and that's that. Marian insisted that Adam loves Liza and that the relationship still has nearly a full tank of gas. As they talked, Adam approached from behind and asked for a few words alone with Liza. Liza refused, saying that anything Adam had to say could be summed up in two words: divorce papers. Adam jittered nervously and his hands moved up and down erratically. "It's me," he said. Marian and Liza both took a double take. It wasn't Adam standing behind them---it was Stuart dressed in Adam's clothes. Stuart had an important meeting and decided that he'd look more professional if he wore some of his brother's expensive, designer clothing. Now that she knew it was not her husband, Liza permitted Stuart to speak his mind. Stuart asked, no begged, Liza not to let Adam run her out of Chandler Mansion. He said that he never expected it, but believes that Adam and Liza are perfect for each other. And now that there's a baby on the way? What better reason could there be to remain together? "If both of you give up," Stuart explained, "you'll lose your chance for happiness." After Stuart left, Marian repeated Stuart's words. "Don't give up," she recited over and over. Fortunately, Belinda happened to walk into the bar area at that exact moment. Okay, there was nothing fortunate about it. Marian had called and arranged for a meeting. Belinda had good news for Liza. She stated that Liza signed the divorce papers when she believed that there was no future for her with Adam. Now that she's pregnant, there is most definitely a future. Any competent judge would rule that Liza and Adam have to remain married until a suitable amended divorce agreement can be made. At least that's what Belinda claimed. "You hold all the cards," Belinda smiled. Liza rose from her chair and announced that she was going to go and talk to Adam.

While Scott and Laura said their goodbyes, Jim hid in the shadows. Scott told Laura that she's been acting peculiarly ever since their trip to New York. He asked her to open up to him, but Laura wouldn't budge. She kept her lips clamped shut and showed no sign or desire to tell Scott what was troubling her. Scott told Laura that he would not give up his quest to get inside her head. He wanted her to trust him, but Laura felt that "trust" was an overused word with little meaning. Laura saw Scott to the door and turned off the lights. She'd have to get a good night's sleep in order to perform well on the first day of her new job. Jim tip-toed around in the dark and headed to the stairs.

Trevor returned Janets briefcase to her. She'd left it behind in the bar when she ran off. Their hands touched as Janet reclaimed her property. Trevor was prepared to leave, but he asked Janet if he could stay for a few minutes. Janet offered Trevor a soda---or at least a seat, but he turned down both offers. Trevor informed Janet that he had been thinking about what Brooke had told them. Janet said that she never expected Brooke to be a "go get it kinda gal." That made Janet reflect on her personal guilt for swapping flights with Brooke. Trevor diagnosed Janet as suffering with "survivor's guilt." He told her that she has to forgive herself so that she can move on with her life. Janet lowered her head and reminded Trevor that he didn't stop by to talk about guilt. Trevor beat around the bush for a while. He even asked for a soda right in the middle of the most important part of the discussion. Janet was so furious with Trevor's lollygagging that she "overpoured" the soda and spilled it all over Trevor's shirt and the carpet. Finally Trevor came out with it. He told Janet that he had lied when he told her that their kiss meant nothing to him. It meant a lot to him. He also told Janet that he used to look at her and think about the way she mistreated Natalie and how she killed Will Cortlandt. Now, he sees someone different... someone who's changed. Janet is a part of Amanda's life and, Trevor confessed, a part of his life. Janet wanted to know what Trevor's soul searching meant for them. Instead of continuing with honest answers, Trevor went back to his game of dodge ball. He didn't like being on the receiving end of the questions and said that he wants to be the one who asks the questions for a change. Janet said that she felt like a girl in the fifth grade who was passing out cards to the other boys asking them to check the "yes" box if they liked her. Trevor turned and looked Janet in the eye and said just one word: Yes. Now that their feelings were out in the open, they both agreed that they should take things one day at a time. That way there would be no shattered expectations. Trevor left, but hung around outside Janet's door for a few minutes. Janet leaned against the door with a broad smile on her face. She let out a big sigh of relief.

Adam looked at his Couple of the Year plaque in contempt. He tossed the plaque out on top the patio where it nearly crashed into Scott. Adam somehow knew that Scott had been out with Laura and made a comment that Laura should be getting some rest so that she is rested for her first day on the job. Scott wondered how Adam knew about Laura's job---he hadn't told anyone. Adam cracked a sneer and asked Scott if he really believes that Laura could have landed the job on her own merits. Of course not, Adam answered for his nephew. Apparently the Chandler influence reaches all the way to the Youth Center. Adam claimed that Scott should be pleased for Laura. Now she can be with "her own kind." The snide remark infuriated Scott. He leapt across the room and grabbed his uncle by the lapels, shaking him violently. He Liza not entered at that exact moment to break up the confrontation, Adam might have been beaten to a pulp! Adam refused to speak to either Scott or Liza. Liza asked Scott why he had reacted so strongly to Adam. His response that he was defending Laura didn't sit too well with Liza. She was impressed that Scott loved Laura enough to defend her name, but she suggested that he not resort to violence. Scott asked Liza if he could speak to her in total confidence. Liza nodded her head. Scott said that he thinks Laura was raped during her days of living in New York. Liza advised not to jump to conclusions, but agreed that Laura must have encountered more than her fair share of tragedy while living in Manhattan. Scott apologized for bothering Liza with his problems and said that he would allow her to speak to Adam. Liza smiled and said that she and Adam are at an impasse. Besides, she feels her purpose for showing up was to prevent Scott from beating up Adam! Scott warned Liza that if he found out who hurt Laura... he'd kill him.

Jim would have went upstairs had Brooke not woken up and scared him off. Brooke turned on the light and looked around for Jim. He was nowhere to be found so she assumed that he had gone home. Laura found a wallet on the floor and asked Brooke if she knew who it belonged to. Brooke figured out that the wallet had to belong to Jim and that he must have dropped it when he helped her up to bed. Laura was furious with Brooke for allowing a stranger to tuck her into bed. Brooke explained that she had had a little too much to drink and needed help getting up the steps. But Brooke said that Jim was a good guy. He saved Edmund's life after all! More then that, Brooke said that she knew she could trust him. There was that word again. Laura asked Brooke how she determines who can be trusted. Brooke pointed out that not everyone merits trust. She added that even if you trust someone it doesn't mean they won't let you down. Brooke advised Laura to let go of her past and to move on with her life. Laura was concerned that her past might catch up with her. A moving target, Brooke stated, is harder to hit. Suddenly, Laura's mind drifted back to her past. Again she was sprawled out in front of a white background covered by a bedsheet or some other thin cover. Jim was there, stroking her leg. He told her that "it" would be good for both of them and asked her to "trust" him. Brooke tried to get Laura to stay up and watch a horror flick with her, but Laura decided to turn in for the evening. After the two women went to bed, Jim walked to the door and let himself out. But not before growling that he has to "keep that little girl quiet.""

- Soap Central